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CertificateAssistant_v3_EX2010 ERROR - Can't create Autorisation files for LE verification und ERROR - Order is NOT ready

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1,367 Ansichten
New Member
Beigetreten: Vor 3 Jahren
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Hallo Leute,

Ich bin neue hier wollte mal fragen ob ihr mir bei diesen Problem helfen könnt.

Versuche auf einen SBS2011 CertificateAssistant einzurichten und bekomme immer den Fehler: ERROR - Can't create Autorisation files for LE verification und ERROR - Order is NOT ready

Hier das PowerShell und Logs:

PS C:\CertificateAssistant> .\CertificateAssistant_v3_EX2010.ps1
20.06.2022 13:58:29 - System - Info - Geting system parameters
20.06.2022 13:58:29 - System - Info - Certificate Assistant Exchange 2010 Version
20.06.2022 13:58:29 - System - Info - PowerShell Version: 5.1.14409.1018 OSVersion: 6.1.7601.65536
20.06.2022 13:58:29 - Check Posh-ACME - Info - Check if Module installed
20.06.2022 13:58:29 - Load Posh-ACME - Info - Posh-ACME is installed, try to load it
20.06.2022 13:58:29 - Load Posh-ACME - Info - Module Import was successfull, PoshACMEVersion 4.14.0
20.06.2022 13:58:29 - Load Exchange SnapIns - Info - Try to load Exchange SnapIns
20.06.2022 13:58:29 - Load Exchange SnapIns - Info - Sucessfully loaded Exchange SnapIns
20.06.2022 13:58:29 - IIS - Info - Trying to create .Well-Known Directory
20.06.2022 13:58:31 - IIS - Info - Well-Known Folder already exists, skipping
20.06.2022 13:58:31 - IIS - Warning - Mime Type was not added to Well-Known folder, maybe it was already added
20.06.2022 13:58:31 - IIS - Info - Changing Let's Encrypt IIS directory to http
20.06.2022 13:58:31 - IIS - Info - Successfully changed Let's Encrypt IIS directory to http
20.06.2022 13:58:31 - IIS - Info - Checking Let's Encrypt IIS directory to accept validation by http request
20.06.2022 13:58:31 - IIS - Info - .well-known directory accepts http
20.06.2022 13:58:31 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Getting Exchange FQDNs
20.06.2022 13:58:31 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Getting local Exchange Server Name
20.06.2022 13:58:31 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Local Exchange Name SBSSERVER2011
20.06.2022 13:58:31 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Getting Autodiscover Hostname
20.06.2022 13:58:32 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Autodiscover Hostname mail.*.com
20.06.2022 13:58:32 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Getting Exchange Outlook Anywhere External FQDN
20.06.2022 13:58:32 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Exchange Outlook Anywhere External FQDN mail.
20.06.2022 13:58:32 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Getting Exchange Outlook Anywhere Internal FQDN
20.06.2022 13:58:33 - Exchange FQDNs - Error - Error geting Exchange Outlook Anywhere FQDNs
20.06.2022 13:58:33 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Getting Exchange OAB External FQDN
20.06.2022 13:58:33 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Exchange OAB External FQDN mail.*.com
20.06.2022 13:58:33 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Getting Exchange OAB Internal FQDN
20.06.2022 13:58:33 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Exchange OAB Internal FQDN mail.
20.06.2022 13:58:33 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Getting Exchange EAS Internal FQDN
20.06.2022 13:58:34 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Exchange EAS Internal FQDN mail.*.com
20.06.2022 13:58:34 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Getting Exchange EAS External FQDN
20.06.2022 13:58:34 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Exchange EAS External FQDN mail.
20.06.2022 13:58:34 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Getting Exchange EWS Internal FQDN
20.06.2022 13:58:35 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Exchange EWS Internal FQDN mail.*.com
20.06.2022 13:58:35 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Getting Exchange EWS External FQDN
20.06.2022 13:58:35 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Exchange EWS External FQDN mail.
20.06.2022 13:58:35 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Getting Exchange ECP Internal FQDN
20.06.2022 13:58:35 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Exchange EWS Internal FQDN mail.*.com
20.06.2022 13:58:35 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Getting Exchange ECP External FQDN
20.06.2022 13:58:36 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Exchange ECP External FQDN mail.
20.06.2022 13:58:36 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Getting Exchange OWA Internal FQDN
20.06.2022 13:58:36 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Exchange OWA Internal FQDN mail.*.com
20.06.2022 13:58:36 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Getting Exchange OWA External FQDN
20.06.2022 13:58:36 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Exchange OWA ExternalFQDN mail.
20.06.2022 13:58:36 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - Make them unique
20.06.2022 13:58:36 - Exchange FQDNs - Info - FQDNs are unique
20.06.2022 13:58:36 - LE System - Info - Setting LE Mode
20.06.2022 13:58:37 - LE System - Info - Setting LE Mode to PRODUCTION MODE (LIVE SYSTEM)
20.06.2022 13:58:37 - LE System - Info - Checking for existing LE Account
20.06.2022 13:58:37 - LE System - Info - Found a existing LE Account
20.06.2022 13:58:37 - LE Certificate - Info - Trying to create a new order for a certificate
20.06.2022 13:58:38 - LE Certificate - Info - Successfully ordered certificate
20.06.2022 13:58:38 - LE System - Info - Creating Autorisation files for LE verification
20.06.2022 13:58:38 - LE System - ERROR - Can't create Autorisation files for LE verification
20.06.2022 13:58:38 - LE System - Info - Asking LE to verify the order
20.06.2022 13:58:39 - LE System - Info - Successfully informed LE to verify the order
20.06.2022 13:58:39 - LE System - INFO - Let's give LE some time to validate (1 min)
20.06.2022 13:59:39 - LE System - INFO - Time to wake up, need coffee!
20.06.2022 13:59:39 - LE System - INFO - Let's check the authorization
20.06.2022 13:59:39 - LE System - INFO - Authorization for mail.amererair.com is valid
20.06.2022 13:59:39 - LE System - INFO - Let's refresh the order
20.06.2022 13:59:39 - LE System - INFO - Let's check if order is ready
20.06.2022 13:59:39 - LE System - ERROR - Order is NOT ready

PS C:\CertificateAssistant> get-paorder | Get-PAAuthorizations | fl

identifier : @{type=dns; value=mail.*.com}
status : invalid
expires : 2022-06-27T11:58:38Z
challenges : {@{type=http-01; status=invalid; error=;
url= https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/chall-v3/121706657126/qxdIUw;
token=QZJDbDH62TDn420uG5Sbxclh5Wt4VrXDETn7DdCsnYY; validationRecord=System.Object[];
DNS01Url :
DNS01Token :
DNSId : mail.
HTTP01Status : invalid
DNS01Status :
location : https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/authz-v3/121706657126
HTTP01Token : QZJDbDH62TDn420uG5Sbxclh5Wt4VrXDETn7DdCsnYY
fqdn : mail.*.com
HTTP01Url : https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/chall-v3/121706657126/qxdIUw


20.06.2022 14:41:55;System;Info;Geting system parameters;
20.06.2022 14:41:55;System;Info;Certificate Assistant Exchange 2010 Version;
20.06.2022 14:41:55;System;Info;PowerShell Version: 5.1.14409.1018 OSVersion: 6.1.7601.65536;
20.06.2022 14:41:55;Check Posh-ACME;Info;Check if Module installed;
20.06.2022 14:41:55;Load Posh-ACME;Info;Posh-ACME is installed, try to load it;
20.06.2022 14:41:55;Load Posh-ACME;Info;Module Import was successfull, PoshACMEVersion 4.14.0;
20.06.2022 14:41:55;Load Exchange SnapIns;Info;Try to load Exchange SnapIns;
20.06.2022 14:41:55;Load Exchange SnapIns;Info;Sucessfully loaded Exchange SnapIns;
20.06.2022 14:41:55;IIS;Info;Trying to create .Well-Known Directory;
20.06.2022 14:41:57;IIS;Info;Well-Known Folder already exists, skipping;
20.06.2022 14:41:57;IIS;Warning;Mime Type was not added to Well-Known folder, maybe it was already added;
20.06.2022 14:41:57;IIS;Info;Changing Let's Encrypt IIS directory to http;
20.06.2022 14:41:57;IIS;Info;Successfully changed Let's Encrypt IIS directory to http;
20.06.2022 14:41:57;IIS;Info;Checking Let's Encrypt IIS directory to accept validation by http request;
20.06.2022 14:41:57;IIS;Info;.well-known directory accepts http;
20.06.2022 14:41:57;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange FQDNs;
20.06.2022 14:41:57;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting local Exchange Server Name;
20.06.2022 14:41:57;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Local Exchange Name SBSSERVER2011;
20.06.2022 14:41:57;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Autodiscover Hostname;
20.06.2022 14:41:57;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Autodiscover Hostname mail.*.com;
20.06.2022 14:41:57;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange Outlook Anywhere External FQDN;
20.06.2022 14:41:58;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange Outlook Anywhere External FQDN mail.*.com;
20.06.2022 14:41:58;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange Outlook Anywhere Internal FQDN;
20.06.2022 14:41:59;Exchange FQDNs;Error;Error geting Exchange Outlook Anywhere FQDNs;You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
20.06.2022 14:41:59;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange OAB External FQDN;
20.06.2022 14:41:59;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange OAB External FQDN mail.
20.06.2022 14:41:59;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange OAB Internal FQDN;
20.06.2022 14:41:59;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange OAB Internal FQDN mail.*.com;
20.06.2022 14:41:59;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange EAS Internal FQDN;
20.06.2022 14:42:00;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange EAS Internal FQDN mail.
20.06.2022 14:42:00;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange EAS External FQDN;
20.06.2022 14:42:00;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange EAS External FQDN mail.*.com;
20.06.2022 14:42:00;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange EWS Internal FQDN;
20.06.2022 14:42:01;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange EWS Internal FQDN mail.
20.06.2022 14:42:01;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange EWS External FQDN;
20.06.2022 14:42:01;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange EWS External FQDN mail.*.com;
20.06.2022 14:42:01;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange ECP Internal FQDN;
20.06.2022 14:42:01;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange EWS Internal FQDN mail.
20.06.2022 14:42:01;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange ECP External FQDN;
20.06.2022 14:42:02;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange ECP External FQDN mail.*.com;
20.06.2022 14:42:02;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange OWA Internal FQDN;
20.06.2022 14:42:02;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange OWA Internal FQDN mail.
20.06.2022 14:42:02;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange OWA External FQDN;
20.06.2022 14:42:02;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange OWA ExternalFQDN mail.****.com;
20.06.2022 14:42:02;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Make them unique;
20.06.2022 14:42:02;Exchange FQDNs;Info;FQDNs are unique;
20.06.2022 14:42:02;LE System;Info;Setting LE Mode;
20.06.2022 14:42:03;LE System;Info;Setting LE Mode to PRODUCTION MODE (LIVE SYSTEM);
20.06.2022 14:42:03;LE System;Info;Checking for existing LE Account;
20.06.2022 14:42:03;LE System;Info;Found a existing LE Account;
20.06.2022 14:42:03;LE Certificate;Info;Trying to create a new order for a certificate;
20.06.2022 14:42:04;LE Certificate;Info;Successfully ordered certificate;
20.06.2022 14:42:04;LE System;Info;Creating Autorisation files for LE verification;
20.06.2022 14:42:05;LE System;ERROR;Can't create Autorisation files for LE verification;Cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type 'System.String' required by parameter 'FilePath'. Die angegebene Methode wird nicht unterstützt.
20.06.2022 14:42:05;LE System;Info;Asking LE to verify the order;
20.06.2022 14:42:05;LE System;Info;Successfully informed LE to verify the order;
20.06.2022 14:42:05;LE System;INFO;Let's give LE some time to validate (1 min);1 min

Was mache ich flasch, bitte um Hilfe

Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 3 Jahren von Ama

New Member
Beigetreten: Vor 2 Jahren
Beiträge: 1



Estimable Member
Beigetreten: Vor 5 Jahren
Beiträge: 184


alternativ Certify the Web verwenden.

Lg, Roman
