LE Order not ready ...
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LE Order not ready , leider ebenfalls....

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1 Benutzer
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1,854 Ansichten
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Beigetreten: Vor 5 Jahren
Beiträge: 1

Guten Morgen,

bei uns klappt leider die Buchung der Zertifikate auch nicht und wir können uns derzeit noch nicht erklären, woran dies liegt. Anbei die Logs.

Interessant finde ich, dass er die beiden Domains als valid Kennzeichnet, die Ausgabe von PAOrdner aber bei der mail.du-trans.de mitteilt, dass diese invalid ist.

Allerdings wiederrum die autodiscover in Ordnung ist, welche auf den selben Server zeigt.

30.05.2020 04:19:21;System;Info;Geting system parameters;
30.05.2020 04:19:21;System;Info;Certificate Assistant Exchange 2019 Version;
30.05.2020 04:19:21;System;Info;PowerShell Version: 5.1.17763.1007 OSVersion: 10.0.17763.0;
30.05.2020 04:19:21;Check Posh-ACME;Info;Check if Module installed;
30.05.2020 04:19:21;Load Posh-ACME;Info;Posh-ACME is installed, try to load it;
30.05.2020 04:19:21;Load Posh-ACME;Info;Module Import was successfull, PoshACMEVersion 3.14.0;
30.05.2020 04:19:21;Load Exchange SnapIns;Info;Try to load Exchange SnapIns;
30.05.2020 04:19:21;Load Exchange SnapIns;Info;Sucessfully loaded Exchange SnapIns;
30.05.2020 04:19:21;IIS;Info;Trying to create .Well-Known Directory;
30.05.2020 04:19:21;IIS;Info;Well-Known Folder already exists, skipping;
30.05.2020 04:19:21;IIS;Info;Added Mime Type to Well-Known Folder;
30.05.2020 04:19:21;IIS;Info;Changing Let's Encrypt IIS directory to http;
30.05.2020 04:19:22;IIS;Info;Successfully changed Let's Encrypt IIS directory to http;
30.05.2020 04:19:22;IIS;Info;Checking Let's Encrypt IIS directory to accept validation by http request;
30.05.2020 04:19:22;IIS;Info;.well-known directory accepts http;
30.05.2020 04:19:22;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange FQDNs;
30.05.2020 04:19:22;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting local Exchange Server Name;
30.05.2020 04:19:22;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Local Exchange Name EXCHANGE;
30.05.2020 04:19:22;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Autodiscover Hostname;
30.05.2020 04:19:22;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Autodiscover Hostname autodiscover.du-trans.de;
30.05.2020 04:19:22;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange Outlook Anywhere External FQDN;
30.05.2020 04:19:23;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange Outlook Anywhere External FQDN mail.du-trans.de;
30.05.2020 04:19:23;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange Outlook Anywhere Internal FQDN;
30.05.2020 04:19:23;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange Outlook Anywhere Internal FQDN mail.du-trans.de;
30.05.2020 04:19:23;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange OAB External FQDN;
30.05.2020 04:19:24;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange OAB External FQDN mail.du-trans.de;
30.05.2020 04:19:24;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange OAB Internal FQDN;
30.05.2020 04:19:25;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange OAB Internal FQDN mail.du-trans.de;
30.05.2020 04:19:25;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange EAS Internal FQDN;
30.05.2020 04:19:26;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange EAS Internal FQDN mail.du-trans.de;
30.05.2020 04:19:26;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange EAS External FQDN;
30.05.2020 04:19:27;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange EAS External FQDN mail.du-trans.de;
30.05.2020 04:19:27;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange EWS Internal FQDN;
30.05.2020 04:19:28;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange EWS Internal FQDN mail.du-trans.de;
30.05.2020 04:19:28;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange EWS External FQDN;
30.05.2020 04:19:29;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange EWS External FQDN mail.du-trans.de;
30.05.2020 04:19:29;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange ECP Internal FQDN;
30.05.2020 04:19:31;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange EWS Internal FQDN mail.du-trans.de;
30.05.2020 04:19:31;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange ECP External FQDN;
30.05.2020 04:19:32;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange ECP External FQDN mail.du-trans.de;
30.05.2020 04:19:32;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange OWA Internal FQDN;
30.05.2020 04:19:33;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange OWA Internal FQDN mail.du-trans.de;
30.05.2020 04:19:33;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange OWA External FQDN;
30.05.2020 04:19:35;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange OWA ExternalFQDN mail.du-trans.de;
30.05.2020 04:19:35;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange MAPI Internal FQDN;
30.05.2020 04:19:35;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange MAPI Internal FQDN mail.du-trans.de;
30.05.2020 04:19:35;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Getting Exchange MAPI External FQDN;
30.05.2020 04:19:36;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Exchange MAPI External FQDN mail.du-trans.de;
30.05.2020 04:19:36;Exchange FQDNs;Info;Make them unique;
30.05.2020 04:19:36;Exchange FQDNs;Info;FQDNs are unique;
30.05.2020 04:19:36;LE System;Info;Setting LE Mode;
30.05.2020 04:19:36;LE System;Info;Setting LE Mode to STAGE MODE (TESTING ONLY);
30.05.2020 04:19:36;LE System;Info;Checking for existing LE Account;
30.05.2020 04:19:36;LE System;Info;Found a existing LE Account;
30.05.2020 04:19:36;LE Certificate;Info;Trying to create a new order for a certificate;
30.05.2020 04:19:37;LE Certificate;Info;Successfully ordered certificate;
30.05.2020 04:19:37;LE System;Info;Creating Autorisation files for LE verification;
30.05.2020 04:19:37;LE System;Info;Asking LE to verify the order;
30.05.2020 04:19:38;LE System;Info;Successfully informed LE to verify the order;
30.05.2020 04:19:38;LE System;INFO;Let's give LE some time to validate (1 min);1 min
30.05.2020 04:20:38;LE System;INFO;Time to wake up, need coffee!;
30.05.2020 04:20:38;LE System;INFO;Let's check the authorization;
30.05.2020 04:20:38;LE System;INFO;Authorization for autodiscover.du-trans.de is valid;
30.05.2020 04:20:38;LE System;INFO;Authorization for mail.du-trans.de is valid;
30.05.2020 04:20:38;LE System;INFO;Let's refresh the order;
30.05.2020 04:20:39;LE System;INFO;Let's check if order is ready;
30.05.2020 04:20:39;LE System;ERROR;Order is NOT ready;

fqdn status Expires DNS01Status HTTP01Status
---- ------ ------- ----------- ------------
autodiscover.du-trans.de valid 29.06.2020 03:36:29 valid
mail.du-trans.de invalid 06.06.2020 04:19:36 invalid

status : invalid
expires : 2020-06-06T02:19:36Z
identifiers : {System.Collections.Hashtable, System.Collections.Hashtable}
authorizations : { https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/authz-v3/60357259,
finalize : https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/finalize/13930863/96792947
MainDomain : autodiscover.du-trans.de
SANs : {mail.du-trans.de}
KeyLength : 2048
CertExpires :
RenewAfter :
OCSPMustStaple : False
DnsPlugin : {Manual}
DnsAlias :
DnsSleep : 120
ValidationTimeout : 60
FriendlyName : autodiscover.du-trans.de
PfxPass : xxxxx
Install : False
certificate :
location : https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/order/13930863/96792947

Die Umgehungslösungen im Forum, die wohl auch schon geholfen haben, haben wir bereits versucht. Sowohl * bei der Default Website als auch die $IISMimeType auskommentiert. Leider ohne Erfolgt.

Kann jemand helfen?

PS Danke für Eure Hilfe.

Viele Grüße

