Lets Encrypt funkti...
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Lets Encrypt funktioniert nicht in den Taskplanner

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Beigetreten: Vor 3 Jahren
Beiträge: 1

Hallo Zusammen ich habe folgendes Problem,

ich versuche das Letsecryptscript automatisch über den Taskplanner ans laufen zu kriegen aber ohne Erfolg. Es steht immer "Die Aufgabe wird momentan ausgeführt". Die Aufgabe wird als Administrator ausgeführt mit höhsten Berechtigungen.

Wenn ich das manuell Ausführe läuft das ganz normal durch.

Habe jetzt start und stop-transcrip in das Script eingefügt um zu schauen woran es liegen kann, aber ich werde nicht schlau daraus.

Hier einmal der Log

Machine: SRV-GW-EX01 (Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.17763.0)
Host Application: PowerShell.exe -Command &'C:\CertificateAssistant\CertificateAssistant.ps1' -renew:$true
Process ID: 54284
PSVersion: 5.1.17763.2268
PSEdition: Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.1.17763.2268
BuildVersion: 10.0.17763.2268
CLRVersion: 4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion: 3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion: 2.3
Transcript started, output file is C:\CertificateAssistant\logfile.txt
24.11.2021 11:14:18 - System - Info - Geting system parameters
24.11.2021 11:14:18 - System - Info - Certificate Assistant Exchange 2019 Version
24.11.2021 11:14:18 - System - Info - PowerShell Version: 5.1.17763.2268 OSVersion: 10.0.17763.0
24.11.2021 11:14:18 - Check Posh-ACME - Info - Check if Module installed
24.11.2021 11:14:18 - Load Posh-ACME - Info - Posh-ACME is installed, try to load it
24.11.2021 11:14:20 - Load Posh-ACME - Info - Module Import was successfull, PoshACMEVersion 3.14.0
24.11.2021 11:14:20 - Load Exchange SnapIns - Info - Try to load Exchange SnapIns
24.11.2021 11:14:21 - Load Exchange SnapIns - Info - Sucessfully loaded Exchange SnapIns
24.11.2021 11:14:21 - IIS - Info - Trying to create .Well-Known Directory
24.11.2021 11:14:21 - IIS - Info - Well-Known Folder already exists, skipping
PS>TerminatingError(Add-WebConfigurationProperty): "Filename:
Error: Cannot add duplicate collection entry of type 'mimeMap' with unique key attribute 'fileExtension' set to '.'

24.11.2021 11:14:22 - IIS - Warning - Mime Type was not added to Well-Known folder, maybe it was already added
24.11.2021 11:14:22 - IIS - Info - Changing Let's Encrypt IIS directory to http
24.11.2021 11:14:22 - IIS - Info - Successfully changed Let's Encrypt IIS directory to http
24.11.2021 11:14:22 - IIS - Info - Checking Let's Encrypt IIS directory to accept validation by http request
24.11.2021 11:14:22 - IIS - Info - .well-known directory accepts http
24.11.2021 11:14:22 - Custom FQDNs - Info - Using Custom FQDNs is configured
24.11.2021 11:14:22 - LE System - Info - Setting LE Mode
24.11.2021 11:14:22 - LE System - Info - Setting LE Mode to PRODUCTION MODE (LIVE SYSTEM)
24.11.2021 11:14:22 - LE System - Info - Checking for existing LE Account
24.11.2021 11:14:22 - LE System - Info - Found a existing LE Account
24.11.2021 11:14:22 - LE Certificate - Info - Trying to create a new order for a certificate

Bitte um Hilfe!!!
