Exchange 2019 CU15: Abort with error "Cannot start service"

I am now having problems updating to CU15 on the second Exchange 2019 CU14 server. The CU15 setup aborts in my environment on a Windows Server 2022 with January updates at step 4 of 16 with the following error:

Cannot start service WinMgmt on computer '.'.
Exchange 2019 CU15: Abort with error "Cannot start service"

With the first server, I wasn't quite sure whether the server would have needed a restart after all. In this case, however, there was no need for a restart. The server was freshly restarted before the installation, as the February updates were also installed directly here. So the error message occurs on Windows Server 2022 with January and February updates.

Since I had already seen the error once, I looked directly at the service. The "Windows Management Instrumentation" service has started:

Exchange 2019 CU15: Abort with error "Cannot start service"

So I restarted the server and ran the setup again. The CU 15 setup loads normally again and now reports the Exchange services that are not started because they were previously deactivated by the setup:

CU15 Restarting the setup

In addition, I now have these little ugly graphic errors (the black boxes). By the way, the first server showed exactly the same behavior, but crashed at step 5 of 17, because preparations were made in the Active Directory beforehand:

Exchange 2019 CU15: Abort with error "Cannot start service"

I would actually see that as a quirk or peculiarity of my surroundings if it weren't for that little annoying something:

CU15 Graphic error and no status bar

Setup no longer considers it necessary to display a progress bar for the languages from step 6 of 14. Nothing happens in the ExchangeSetup.log either:

Exchange Setup Logfile

The last entry in the setup log is this one:

[02.18.2025 19:53:11.0144] [1] Finished updating performance counter strings

Only the Task Manager is still alive. ExSetupUI.exe keeps starting processes there with the names "Console Window Host" and "Load Perfon Counters":

Task Manager

The two processes start briefly, provide a little CPU load and are then terminated again.

I wanted to cancel the setup on the first server, but then I thought to myself: "Let it run, at some point it will tell me what the problem is".

After 35 minutes of waiting and zero progress in the log file or in the setup GUI, the step is suddenly at 100% and it continues with the next steps:

From now on, the setup runs normally again and can also be completed successfully:

Setup Completed

Nothing happened in the Exchange setup log for a good 35 minutes (same time on both servers):

All in all, the Exchange CU15 setup took a good hour, which I think is actually okay:

Exchange CU Installation

I have not yet been able to find out what is causing this behavior, but I still have a few servers ahead of me and can take a closer look. Has anyone perhaps also observed this behavior?

10 thoughts on “Exchange 2019 CU15: Abbruch mit Fehler „Cannot start service“”

  1. Ich konnte CU15 auf einem Forest (2 Exchange mit DAG) und einer Single Domain (1 Exchange Server) ohne Probleme installieren.

  2. Ich habe das CU15 letzten Freitag ohne Problem installiert bekommen. Server 2019 core und Exchange 2019 CU14 waren die Basis. Alles auf Deutsch. Das Update leif gut 1,5h.
    Habe ggf. nur Glück gehabt.

  3. Der fehlende Fortschrittsbalken ist mir auch bei den Sprachen aufgefallen. Allerdings lief dieser Schritt recht schnell durch, ohne auffälliges scheinbares nicht tun. Was das angeht ist mir aber so, als wenn ich das auch schon früher hier und da mal hatte, dass es einfach von 0 auf 100% sprang bzw. statt 100% auf einmal am nächsten Schritt gearbeitet wurde.

  4. Bei uns in der Firma wurde das Setup mit diesem Fehler abgebrochen:
    Error encountered while processing CreateConfigBackup
    [ERROR] Ein Teil des Pfades „D:\ExchangeInstall\Config\v_15215444….
    Ending processing Start-PreFileCopy
    CurrentResult setupbase.maincore:396: 0
    End of Setup

    Tatsächlich ist die Fehlermeldung auf einen zu langen Pfad zurückzuführen. Es sind über 260 Zeichen. Wie soll man das umgehen?
    Habe 3 Stunden benötigt bis wieder alles lief…ohne das Update!

    • Bezüglich des zu langen Pfads:
      ist das der Installationspfad oder der CU-Bereitstellungspfad?
      Habe gehört, dass der Bereitstellungspfad durchaus mal zu lang werden kann und verwende daher immer etwas kurzes wie D:\ExInst\…

  5. Nur damit ich das richtig verstehe: kommt es zu dem Fehler „Cannot start service WinMgmt on computer“ einfach den Server neu starten, das CU-Setup neu starten und ca. eine Stunde warten und dann wurde die CU-Installation erfolgreich abgeschlossen?


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