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Announcement of new white paper: Exchange and certificates

After the "Exchange 2016 Autodiscover Whitepaper" was very well received and has over 6000 downloads, there was a small vote from April to May on a new topic for the next whitepaper.

A total of 637 people took part in the vote, with the topic "Exchange and certificates" receiving the most votes. Here is the final evaluation:

-survey is closed-

Many thanks at this point to all the people who voted. Due to the many emails I receive on the subject of SSL certificates and Exchange, I was not surprised by the result.

I have therefore already started to collect topics to be covered in the white paper. I am currently planning to include the following points in the white paper:

In terms of structure and topics, the white paper is aimed more at people for whom certificates have previously been a red rag and is intended to help people whose focus is not on the administration and management of a PKI, but rather a "necessary evil".

I am happy to receive suggestions for further topics via the Contact form against. Just send me everything that is relevant to you, so I can build up the table of contents bit by bit and then devote myself to the content itself.

I'm leaving the release date open for the time being. However, I would like to have the first version ready this year.

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