After the "Exchange 2016 Autodiscover Whitepaper" was very well received and has over 6000 downloads, there was a small vote from April to May on a new topic for the next whitepaper.
A total of 637 people took part in the vote, with the topic "Exchange and certificates" receiving the most votes. Here is the final evaluation:
-survey is closed-
Many thanks at this point to all the people who voted. Due to the many emails I receive on the subject of SSL certificates and Exchange, I was not surprised by the result.
I have therefore already started to collect topics to be covered in the white paper. I am currently planning to include the following points in the white paper:
- Functionality
- Configuration
- Offloading
- Services / DNS names
- IIS Front End / Back End
- TLS and connectors
- Own CA
- Public CA
- Renewal
- Example configurations
- Outlook
In terms of structure and topics, the white paper is aimed more at people for whom certificates have previously been a red rag and is intended to help people whose focus is not on the administration and management of a PKI, but rather a "necessary evil".
I am happy to receive suggestions for further topics via the Contact form against. Just send me everything that is relevant to you, so I can build up the table of contents bit by bit and then devote myself to the content itself.
I'm leaving the release date open for the time being. However, I would like to have the first version ready this year.
ist das Whitepaper bereits veröffentlicht ?
das klingt ja spannend, gibt es dazu schon was neues?
Ich möchte mich dem hier gerne anschliessen: DANKE und TOP – weiter so!
Hallo zusammen,
gibt es das Whitepaper schon? Wenn ja, wo kann ich es finden?
Danke und Grüße
Ja da möchte ich mich gerne anschließen.
Vielen Dank….
p.s.: eine Spende per PayPal geht auch raus, das ist mir das Ganze echt wert!
Hallo und guten Morgen,
Ich möchte mich in aller Form für die Mühe und das Engagement sowohl bei den Whitepapers sowie generell für die Homepage und die kostenlose Arbeit für uns bedanken!!!