Relocation of FrankysWeb completed

The announced move from FrankysWeb to a new hoster has been completed. As the site now has significantly more resources and effective caches (Redis Object Cache and FastCGI Page Cache), the site now loads faster. Availability should also be better now that the web server is no longer reaching its performance limits. In the near future I will ... Read more

Merry Christmas!

I wish all friends, readers and supporters a merry and peaceful Christmas, take care of yourselves and stay healthy. I wish all admins who are looking after the well-being of the systems during or between the holidays every success. Take a few days off as soon as possible and treat yourselves and your loved ones to something nice. ... Read more

Exchange Health Checker: Duplicate entry - IANA: Asia/Bishkek

In the Exchange security update of November 2024 there is a bug that causes problems with certain calendar functions and I Exchange Health Checker generates the following error: Microsoft writes the following: Issues occur when Exchange servers process calendar-related information and files such as .ical or .ics attachments You cannot preview the files or view them for ... Read more

Move to new hoster - limited availability between the holidays

Between the holidays, some maintenance work will be necessary on this website. FrankysWeb will also be moving to a root server with significantly more power and the domain will also be moved to a new hoster. Unfortunately, the domain move in particular will make this site unavailable. The reason for the outage will be the ... Read more

Exchange Online: Activate automatic e-mail forwarding

If users complain that emails cannot be forwarded automatically, Exchange Online can be configured accordingly. Exchange Online prevents the automatic forwarding of emails via Outlook rule, users who have created a corresponding rule receive the following undeliverable message from Exchange Online: The automatic forwarding of emails poses a security and data protection risk, therefore ... Read more

New Outlook version for Microsoft 365 users from April 2026

Microsoft has announced that customers with Microsoft 365 Enterprise licenses will also be migrated to the new Outlook from 2026. In contrast to "classic Outlook", the "new Outlook version" is a web app. A corresponding announcement was published today on Heise Newsletter. However, the message can also be misunderstood somewhat, ... Read more

Exchange Health Checker: Dynamic Memory Detected

It can happen that the Exchange Health Checker displays the following error in the report: This error is displayed for virtualized Exchange Servers where the "Dynamic Memory" feature is enabled for the VM. Dynamic Memory is not supported for Exchange Server, therefore the Exchange Health Checker shows this error. This error can occur with Exchange Servers ... Read more

Exchange Server 2019 and ECC certificates (Elliptic Curve Cryptography)

Since the Exchange Server April 2024 Hotfix Update, Exchange Server 2019 also supports ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) certificates. However, there are a few things to bear in mind when using ECC certificates. In the following article, we take a look at what you need to consider. What are ECC certificates ECC certificates (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) are certificates that are based on ... Read more

Windows certification authority: Changing the validity of the revocation list

The validity of certificates can be checked either via OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) or classically via a revocation list (CRL). The basic revocation list of a Microsoft Windows certification authority is valid for 7 days by default. In some cases, this is too long, as a certificate may still be valid after revocation. Read more

Exchange security updates released again

The security updates that caused problems with transport rules were released again today. The new updates have the suffix "v2" and are intended to fix the problems. Microsoft writes the following: If the original version of the update is already installed, the V2 update must now be installed to resolve the issues. Even if the original update ... Read more