I have a howto for setting up the Outlook app for iOS already written. Allerdings nach die App den „kleinen“ Nachteil, das Benutzername und Passwort an Microsoft übermittelt werden:
To prevent users from using the app and passwords from leaving the company, an ActiveSync policy can be created on the Exchange server to block the app:
New-ActiveSyncDeviceAccessRule -Characteristic DeviceModel -QueryString "Outlook for iOS and Android" -AccessLevel Block
To find out whether the app is already in use, the following command can be used:
get-MobileDevice | where {$_.devicemodel -match "Outlook for iOS and Android"} | ft userdisplayname,deviceos
And to delete all ActiveSync partnerships with the Outlook app, the following command can be used:
get-MobileDevice | where {$_.devicemodel -match "Outlook for iOS and Android"} | Remove-MobileDevice
Small hint: Bei Exchange 2010 heisst es „Get-ActiveSyncDevice“ bzw „remove-ActiveSyncDevice“.