Reminder: Raffle "Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 - The Manual"

First of all, I would like to thank you for all the feedback for the Exchange Reporter 2.0 and also remind you once again of the raffle: Until October 21, 2014 you have the opportunity to get one of two copies of the book "Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 - The Manual" What you have to do for this is in the link ... Read more

Windows Server 10: A first impression

Windows Server 10 has just been released as a preview. I downloaded the ISO file and installed it straight away. Here is a first impression. Nothing has changed in the setup so far, I'm not sure right now, has there always been no version number behind Windows Server? So there will also be a core version again During the installation you can ... Read more

Windows 10 Preview is available for download in MSDN

If you have an MSDN subscription, you can now download the preview version of Windows 10 Desktop and Server. A preview of the new Hyper-V version is also available.

Windows 10

Many have probably wished for the long-lost Start menu to return. The good news is that it is actually included, and perhaps the breakthrough in companies will now begin

Click here for the MSDN download:

I'll install the server right away... The download servers don't seem to be overloaded yet


Message Analyzer 1.1 available

Message Analyzer is the successor to Network Monitor. Do not misunderstand: Message Analyzer is not used to analyze mails, but to see what is happening on the line, similar to Network Monitor or Wireshark.

The big advantage of Message Analyzer is that it can decrypt encrypted connections if the private key is available. This makes Message Analyzer a great tool for error analyzers. Among other things, of course, also for mail problems via encrypted connections.

Message Analyzer

Click here to download:

FrankysWeb is now also available in encrypted form

From now on, is also accessible in encrypted form via HTTPS. At least the admin password no longer passes through the network unencrypted. So it's more of an advantage for me than for you... But I just wanted to mention it once and contribute a small part to the fact that data is only exchanged in encrypted form, no matter what ... Read more

Court ruling: SPAM folder must be checked

Interesting ruling from the Bonn Regional Court: Users of business emails must check SPAM folders (Read more on So you should be careful if the SPAM filter automatically moves emails to the junk mail folder. To be on the safe side as an administrator, it is probably better to deactivate this function.

Exchange 2013 Reporter ready!

Today is the day. The "Exchange Reporter 2013" is ready! Many improvements and a modular structure have been added. The reports have also been made more modern and easier to read: Here you can find the new Exchange Reporter 2013: I am currently working on making the Exchange 2013 Reporter compatible with Exchange 2010, but that will take some time. ... Read more

General: Customized design

Today FrankysWeb presents itself in a new design. The content area has become a little wider, so in future screenshots will be easier to recognize without having to enlarge them. In addition, FrankysWeb now also looks good on smartphones and tablets Smiley

Here is an old screenshot for comparison (R.I.P.):


MSDN subscription: Save product key and write to CSV file

Actually useless, but I like to save my keys locally so that I don't have to log in all the time. The MSDN offers the possibility to export the product keys as an XML file, but I don't have Excel everywhere... With the following Powershell script the XML file can be converted into a CSV file: $keyfile = "c:\temp\KeysExport.xml" $csvfile = "c:\temp\productkeys.csv" ... Read more

Merry Christmas

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. And don't forget to drop by again in the new year. Frank PS: I will use the time between the holidays for a few revisions of the pages, so don't be surprised if FrankysWeb is offline from time to time