Happy New Year!

I wish all visitors, readers, supporters and friends a happy and healthy new year, may all your good intentions and wishes come true in the new year. As every year, I would like to take this opportunity to look back on the past year. Visitor numbers have risen again slightly in 2021. Just under 2.5 million visitors are ... Read more

Merry Christmas!

I wish all friends, readers and supporters a Merry Christmas, take care of yourselves and stay healthy. I wish all admins who are looking after the well-being of the systems during or between the holidays every success. Take a few days off as soon as possible and treat yourselves to something nice. As in every ... Read more

Security updates for Exchange Server (November 2021)

Microsoft has released new security updates for all supported Exchange Servers (2013, 2016, 2019). In particular, Microsoft mentions the vulnerability CVE-2021-42321 (Remote Code Execution) in Exchange 2016 and 2019, which is already being exploited in a limited number of targeted attacks. The number of attacks is likely to increase as the update may now make the vulnerability easier to detect. ... Read more

Microsoft Ignite again as an online event

This year's Micrsooft Ignite will once again be held as an online conference. As last year, participation in Ignite is free of charge. Registration is sufficient to either follow the sessions live online or to watch the recordings of the sessions later: Microsoft Ignite 2021 Ignite will take place from 02.11. to 04.11.2021. ... Read more

CVE reporter: Mail for new vulnerabilities

I have just completed the CVE-Reporter and made the first public version available for download. I've been using the CVE-Reporter for a while now so that I receive an e-mail when new vulnerabilities or security holes are discovered and can therefore react quickly to possible security holes. Until now, I had not made the CVE-Reporter publicly available, because so far ... Read more

GRAMMM: A new alternative to Exchange Server?

The relatively young company grammm wants to offer an alternative to Exchange Server with its product of the same name. The idea itself is not new, as there have long been a number of projects (such as Open-X-Change, Kopano or Zimbra) that position themselves as an alternative to Exchange Server. grammm (groupware and much much more), however, is the first to offer Open ... Read more

HAFNIUM: EOMT from Microsoft secures unpatched Exchange Server

Microsoft provides the tool "Exchange On-premises Mitigation Tool (EOMT) to secure unpatched Exchange servers for download: https://github.com/microsoft/CSS-Exchange/tree/main/Security EOMT first secures the Exchange server against the vulnerability CVE-2021-26855 using URL rewrite and then downloads the Microsoft Safty Scanner to check the server for a successful attack. However, EOMT does not install the available updates ... Read more