New Exchange Reporter version (Exchange Reporter 3.7)

I have just uploaded a new version of the Exchange Reporter. Version 3.7 fixes some problems with the modules. Here is a list of the changes: vmwarereport.ps1 Adapted to newer PowerCLI version (Thanks Steffen) careport.ps1 Small bugfix when checking the PSPKI module (Thanks Steffen) dmarcreport.ps1 New features (Thanks Timbo) rblreport.ps1 Removed dead blacklist (Thanks ... Read more

QuickTip: "Reply to all" to prevent a flood of emails

Who isn't familiar with the evil "Reply all" function in Outlook? An important piece of information is quickly sent to the whole company, and then there's a flood of replies because the recipients use the "reply all" function: Depending on the size of the organization, such a flood of emails can generate a few million emails and thus ... Read more

Exchange Server: Install updates now

On February 13, 2020, Microsoft released updates for all Exchange Server versions for the vulnerability CVE-2020-0688. If you have not already done so, you should install the update as soon as possible, as it is now known how the vulnerability can be exploited. Although an attacker must first authenticate themselves on the Exchange Server, it is then possible to take control of the ... Read more

New security updates for Exchange Server 2010 - 2019

Microsoft has released a new security update for Exchange Server 2010 - 2019. The update fixes the following vulnerabilities: CVE-2020-0692 | Microsoft Exchange Server Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability CVE-2020-0688 | Microsoft Exchange Memory Corruption Vulnerability The update is given the severity level "Important", click here to go directly to the downloads: Download Security Update For Exchange Server 2019 ... Read more

Support for Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 ends

It should be known by now that support for Windows Server 2008 (also for R2) and Windows 7 will end on January 14, 2020. There will therefore be no more security updates for these Windows versions. Support for Exchange Server 2010 was extended by Microsoft in September 2019 to 13.10.2020, but this does not include the operating system. ... Read more

Certificate Assistant: New version

I have just uploaded a new version of the Exchange Certificate Assistant. The old version still uses the Let's Encrypt protocol ACMEv1, which is no longer supported by Let's Encrypt. The new version 3 of the Certificate Assistant now uses the PowerShell module Posh-ACME to automatically request certificates for Exchange Server via Let's Encrypt. Posh-ACME is ACMEv2 ... Read more

Exchange 2016: 550 5.7.134 RESOLVER.RST.SenderNotAuthenticatedForMailbox

Here's another little problem I stumbled across today. During the migration from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2016, a user was no longer able to receive emails from external senders (SenderNotAuthenticatedForMailbox) after the spam filters were switched to the Exchange 2016 servers. This problem only occurred when the mail routing was switched to the Exchange 2016 ... Read more

New version: Exchange Reporter 3.6

I have just uploaded version 3.6 of the Exchange Reporter. Exchange Reporter 3.6 includes the new module "NoSpamProxy". This means that Exchange Reporter can now also retrieve statistics from NoSpamProxy and display them in the report. Here is an example of the NSP module: The NoSpamProxy module displays the following statistics: Overview of mail statistics Overview of large files ... Read more

Caution when updating to iOS 13.1.2 in conjunction with Exchange Server

Small warning regarding Apple devices and iOS 13. Apparently an old bug from iOS 6 times has returned and is causing trouble again in iOS 13. I warned about the problem "back then" here: Exchange 2007/2010: ActiveSync and iOS 6 bug With Apple iOS 13, too, there are more and more reports that there are ... Read more