Exchange 2013/2016: Event ID 2001 Failed to load SSL certificate

After renewing the certificate for Exchange Server 2013 and Exchange Server 2016 (think also for Exchange 2010), the following event occurs after restarting the IIS server: [OWA] Failed to load SSL certificate The login to OWA or ECP is then no longer possible, it appears after entering the user name and password ... Read more

Exchange 2013/2016: Create and manage room mailboxes

Resource mailboxes are very popular to enable the booking of meeting rooms or company cars. With Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2016 it has become even easier to manage the rooms. Here is a small howto that works with Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2016 (For Exchange 2010 you can find the howto here) First of all, via ECP ... Read more

Exchange Reporter 2.6: New release

I have just uploaded version 2.6 of the Exchange Reporter. Some new functions and modules have been added. Office 365 is now also supported, both as a hybrid scenario and exclusively Office 365. There have also been several bug fixes. Here is the changelog: New functions Office365 is now supported (see module o365report.ps1) Setting ... Read more

Exchange Server: Quota cache / limits are only applied after a longer period of time

Some people are probably familiar with this problem: A user calls the helpdesk because their mailbox is full. Deleting it is of course not an option, because even the 10-year-old mails could be needed again. Discussion is usually pointless, so the limit for the mailbox is increased. Quite impatiently, the user now contacts the helpdesk every 15 minutes, ... Read more

Exchange Reporter 2.5 is here!

I have just uploaded the Exchange Reporter 2.5. There are two new modules "bpreport" shows backpressure events, making it easier to identify performance bottlenecks. Similar to "dgreport", "dyndgreport" provides information on dynamic distribution groups. A few new functions and bug fixes have also been incorporated into the current version. My special thanks go to Ralph Andreas, who actively ... Read more

Sender Policy Framework (SPF): How it works and when you shouldn't use it

How SPF works SPF (Sender Policy Framework) is a simple method for identifying forged senders and blocking them as SPAM. The way it works is simple: The domain owner (e.g. me with the domain publishes a TXT record (SPF record) in the DNS which contains the mail servers from which I send mails. For example, if my mail server ... Read more

Exchange 2013: Message Tracking GUI in French

Sebastien from Cai in France ( has taken the trouble to translate the Message Tracking GUI for Exchange 2013 into French. Many thanks for that. Of course I don't want to withhold the French version from you: Here is the friendly mail from Sebastien: I was really pleased that the little script ... Read more

Exchange 2016: Error during installation

If you also encounter the following errors when installing Exchange 2016, I can perhaps save you a bit of searching: Error: The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); Set-WERRegistryMarkers; " was executed: "Microsoft.Exchange.Provisioning.ProvisioningBrokerException: Error initializing the provisioning level: '"Error initializing the scripting agent: "File not found: 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\CmdletExtensionAgents\ScriptingAgentConfig.xml'.""' -> Microsoft.Exchange.Provisioning.ProvisioningException: "Error initializing ... Read more

Exchange Reporter 2.4

I have just updated the Exchange Reporter, the list of changes is a little longer and two new functions have been added. You can now also attach the report as a PDF to the e-mail, please refer to the manual, because a prerequisite must be met for this, and with the "esareport.ps1" module there is now ... Read more