Exchange: Delegate the creation and management of contacts

Ein Leser dieser Seite fragte, ob es möglich ist, dass bestimmte Benutzer für die Organisation Kontakte anlegen und verwalten können. Mit wenig Aufwand lässt sich dazu eine eigene RBAC (Role Based Access Control) Rolle verwenden. Eine entsprechende Rolle, welche nur Kontakte in einer bestimmten Organisationseinheit erstellen und bearbeiten kann, lässt sich mit wenig Aufwand erstellen. … Read more

Exchange Server: New security updates (March 2022)

Microsoft has released new security updates for Exchange Server 2013, 2016 and 2019. The updates can be downloaded here: Exchange Server 2013 CU23 Exchange Server 2016 CU21 and CU22 Exchange Server 2019 CU10 and CU11 The updates close the vulnerability CVE-2022-23277, which is classified as Critical, and the vulnerability CVE-2022-24463, which is classified as Important. As Exchange Server currently likes to ... Read more

New security updates for Exchange Server (January 2022)

Microsoft has released new security updates for Exchange Server 2013, 2016 and 2019. The security update is intended to fix the following three vulnerabilities CVE-2022-21969 (Important) CVE-2022-21855 (Important) CVE-2022-21846 (Critical) The three vulnerabilities mentioned are errors that allow remote code execution. The updates should therefore be installed as soon as possible, even if no exploitation is currently ... Read more

Exchange Server: "The message has been deferred by the categorization agent"

At the turn of the year, there is a problem with mail delivery on Exchange servers. Mails get stuck in the queue with the following message: "The message was put on hold by the categorization agent" Mails are neither sent nor received. This problem has been occurring on all Exchange 2016 / 2019 servers since 01.01.2022 and is caused by the transport agent "Malware Agent" ... Read more

Exchange: Delete old OWA/ECP data

Exchange Server leaves old data or versions of the OWA and ECP directories on the file system after almost every update. In particular, the directory "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\Owa\prem" takes up a lot of space on the file system after a long runtime and correspondingly many updates. Here is an example of an Exchange Server that has been running for a while: Old file versions ... Read more

Install Exchange security updates urgently

There are currently still many Exchange servers that have not been provided with the urgently needed security updates. This is not only about the ProxyLogon and ProxyShell vulnerabilities, which were already closed in April by corresponding updates, but now also about the vulnerability CVE-2021-42321, which has been closed with the latest Exchange updates. About the exploitation of ... Read more

Security updates for Exchange Server (November 2021)

Microsoft has released new security updates for all supported Exchange Servers (2013, 2016, 2019). In particular, Microsoft mentions the vulnerability CVE-2021-42321 (Remote Code Execution) in Exchange 2016 and 2019, which is already being exploited in a limited number of targeted attacks. The number of attacks is likely to increase as the update may now make the vulnerability easier to detect. ... Read more

New security updates for Exchange Server (October 2021)

Microsoft hat neue Sicherheitsupdates für Exchange Server 2013, 2016 und 209 veröffentlicht. Diese drei Sicherheitslücken werden in Exchange Server 2016 und 2019 behoben: CVE-2021-41350 CVE-2021-41348 CVE-2021-34453 Bei CVE-2021-41348 handelt es sich um eine Schwachstelle mit dem Schweregrad „Hoch“, welche die Ausweitung von Berechtigungen ermöglicht. In Exchange 2013 wird die folgende Schwachstelle behoben: CVE-2021-26427 CVE-2021-26427 ist … Read more

Clean up Exchange log files with PowerShell

Mitunter können die Exchange Log und Trace Files einiges an Speicherplatz belegen, ich bekomme daher immer mal wieder Anfragen, wie die Logs bereinigt werden können. In den meisten Fällen droht die Exchange Partition vollzulaufen und in vielen Fällen ist dies auch die Systempartition. Leider ist in vielen Fällen die Systempartition, auf der auch oft Exchange … Read more

Exchange Emergency Mitigation

Exchange Emergency Mitigation (EM) ist, wie bereits in diesem Artikel erwähnt, ab CU 11 für Exchange 2019 und CU 22 für Exchange 2016 verfügbar. Die Funktionsweise ist so einfach wie effektiv: Die Exchange Server prüfen stündlich, ob es ein neues Regelwerk für die Schadenbegrenzung einer Schwachstelle gibt. Dazu wird stündlich ein signiertes XML Dokument von … Read more