Birthday: FrankysWeb is 10 years old!

This year is a milestone birthday, as this site has now been in existence for 10 years. This birthday is being celebrated with a proper clean-up and a new design. I have implemented the following optimizations and improvements in the last few days: Disposed of old data (deleted thousands of corpses from the web server) Deleted 6 plugins that were obsolete Database ... Read more

Tip: Measures against Emotet

Spam filters are sometimes easy to bypass, and I have already shown one possible way of doing this. It is usually difficult for users to recognize whether it is a valid and harmless email or whether all hell will break loose in the form of Emotet malware with the next click. In many environments, a few clicks by a user are actually enough to ... Read more

Tip: Don't rely too much on the spam filter

Emails are known to be the main gateway for malware, viruses and all sorts of other nasty things. Unfortunately, the Exchange Server does not come with a proper spam filter, so other products have to be used for effective defense against spam and malware. Unfortunately, even the best spam filter lets a malicious mail through from time to time and of course it happens ... Read more

Tip: Free S/MIME certificate from WISeID

I have already reported several times about the possibility of obtaining free S/MIME certificates for signing and encrypting emails. There are now only a few providers that still offer free certificates. Some of the providers mentioned in the previous articles either do not issue certificates at all or only issue certificates with a 90-day validity period. All 90 ... Read more

Merry Christmas!

I wish all my friends, readers and supporters a merry and above all peaceful Christmas. I hope you can enjoy the holidays with your loved ones and take a break from the stress of everyday life. To all admins who remain on standby over the Christmas holidays or even fight directly for the well-being of the systems, don't let your mood be spoiled and treat yourselves to ... Read more

FrankysWeb now has a forum

There are already many forums that deal with Exchange Server, but why shouldn't there be a small one? The forum on this page is intended to facilitate the discussion of my articles and of course give you readers the opportunity to ask questions. I receive many mails from readers with questions or problems around ... Read more