Exchange 2010: Dynamic IP and Exchange web services (OWA, Active Sync, Autodiscover, etc)

My blog has now moved to a new hoster, availability and performance have made this step necessary (primarily availability). My blog is now hosted at Strato and Strato offers a nice feature that makes it much easier for me to use the Exchange web services. First, let me tell you a bit about the technology that ... Read more

Exchange 2010: Allow Active Sync only for certain users

If you only want to allow Active Sync for certain users, you can let a script do the work for you. This small script initially deactivates Active Sync for all mailboxes and then only activates it for the mailboxes in the file "user_with_activesync.csv". Contents of the file "set-activesyncuser.ps1" Set-ADServerSettings -ViewEntireForest $true get-mailboxdatabase | get-mailbox | Set-CasMailbox -ActiveSyncEnabled $false ... Read more

Exchange 2010 OWA: Adjust time until automatic logout

The time after a user is automatically logged out of the Outlook Web App (OWA) session can be adjusted via the registry. Since there are two different security levels (public computer or private computer), there are also 2 registry keys that can be adjusted Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\MSExchange OWA] "PrivateTimeout"=dword:000001e0 "PublicTimeout"=dword:0000000f If the two upper values ... Read more

Windows Mobile 6: Root certification authority certificate invalid (0x80072f0d)

In this article, I described how to set up current smartphones for Active Sync with Exchange 2010. When setting up the Windows Mobile smartphones, I encountered a problem that can have unpleasant consequences for the administrator. I had set up my test environment as follows: Computer EX1 is a Multi Role Exchange Server with the ... Read more

Mobile: Setting up current smartphones for Exchange Server 2010

Not only Outlook is often used as an Exchange client, but also smartphones such as the iPhone or smartphones with Android or Windows Phone as the operating system. However, there are sometimes stumbling blocks when setting up smartphones. I would therefore like to describe how to set up current smartphones in this article. Setting up Windows Phone 7 for Exchange: For the ... Read more