Outlook: DelegateWastebasketStyle, Shared Mailbox and a shared calendar

Sometimes you can't see the wood for the trees, in this case the following problem has led me onto the slippery slope. A user reports that although he can create items in a shared calendar of a colleague, he can no longer delete the entries. When trying to delete a calendar entry, Outlook only shows the following error message: The ... Read more

Sophos UTM 9.4 WAF and Exchange 2016 (without RPCoverHTTP)

At the end of last year, I had already written an article on the topic of RPCoverHTTP, better known as Outlook Anywhere: Exchange 2016: Is RPCoverHTTP still needed? I therefore switched off Outlook Anywhere in my environment in December 2016. I have not encountered any problems so far. Outlook 2016 works perfectly with MAPIoverHTTP. So now that over two ... Read more

Outlook 2016: Deactivate buttons / functions

Buttons, functions or button groups can be deactivated with the help of group policies or the registry. This small example shows how to disable the Microsoft Store in Outlook. These two components are required to disable certain buttons or menus: Office 2016 Administrative Template files (ADMX/ADML) Office 2016 Help Files: Office Fluent User Interface Control ... Read more

Office Update and Sophos UTM: error code 30180-26

Outlook informed me today that it would like to install updates: However, after clicking on "Update now", only the following message was displayed: Sorry, that didn't work. Unfortunately, Office could not be installed. Please make sure that you have an Internet connection and then try the installation again. Error code: 30180-26 The Windows ... Read more

Exchange 2016: Is RPCoverHTTP still needed?

RPCoverHTTP, better known as Outlook Anywhere, was introduced with Exchange Server 2003. RPCoverHTTP is used to connect Outlook to Exchange Server without a VPN, but it was not always easy to realize or implement. Essentially, RPCoverHTTP tunnels the remote procedure calls via the http protocol to transport RPC over the Internet. The ... Read more

Outlook: Configure Exchange profiles without user interaction (ZeroConfigExchange)

Thanks to Autodiscover, it is easy to set up Outlook profiles for Exchange Server. Users only have to click "Next" a few times and the corresponding profile is created. The following dialogs should therefore be familiar to most people: However, since no user interaction is required here in the case of Exchange Server and a correct Autodiscover configuration and ... Read more

Exchange 2010 and Outlook 2016 - Autodiscover

I am currently receiving a lot of emails from people complaining about problems with Outlook 2016 in conjunction with Exchange 2010. With Outlook 2016, a crucial function has apparently been removed for many people: Exchange accounts can no longer be configured manually. To be honest, I didn't think that many people had configured their Exchange accounts manually. Outlook ... Read more

Outlook 2016: Switch off animations

I find the new Outlook 2016 quite successful so far, but the animations when switching to the different areas (calendar, mail, etc.) do bother me. With Office 2013, however, you can switch off the animations using a registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\Graphics DWORD 32Bit: DisableAnimations Value: 1 For Office 2016 it is the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Graphics DWORD 32Bit: ... Read more

Outlook 2016: The first impression

Office 2016 was released today and with it the new Outlook 2016. Microsft is therefore sticking to its policy of first the clients, then the servers. The preview of Exchange 2016 is already available, the new standard client Outlook is now available in the final version. I have just downloaded Office 2016 and will describe my first impression ... Read more