PRTG and Exchange 2016: Sensor for HealthCheck URLs

In this article, I already presented a small script that checks the Exchange HealthCheck URLs. Since I use PRTG for monitoring in my private environment, I used a separate sensor for the HealthCheck URLs. PRTG comes with a whole range of sensors for Exchange Server, but due to the limitation of 100 ... Read more

Quick & Dirty: Copy Active Directory groups from user to user

I have created a small GUI that copies Active Directory groups from one user to another user. With the script you can quickly transfer all groups of a user to another user account: The GUI is only very rudimentary, you can select a source user account and a target user account, a click on "Copy groups from source to target ... Read more

Exchange Toolbox for Exchange Server 2016

I received a lot of feedback on the first beta version of the Exchange Toolbox and was able to fix several problems as a result. Now there is a new version that mainly fixes problems, but also integrates message tracking. The goal of the Exchange Tool Box is to provide a small and handy GUI for quick troubleshooting. However, there are currently ... Read more

Quick & Dirty: Finding invalid and orphaned group policies

I have started to create a small PowerShell script to help detect invalid or orphaned group policies. The first version of the script searches for group policies that are not connected to an OU, have no security filtering or have all GPO settings disabled. I will add more functions to the script in the future and publish it as ... Read more

Exchange 2016: Configure URLs and hostnames via PowerShell

To specify the URLs and hostnames of an Exchange 2016 server, the following script can be used: #Hostname for Exchange Webservices, OWA, Outlook Anywhere, Active Sync: $OutlookHostname = "" #Hostname for Autodiscover: $AutodiscoverHostname = "" #OWA $owa = "https://" + "$OutlookHostname" + "/owa" write-host "OWA URL:" $owa Get-OwaVirtualDirectory -Server $env:computername | Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -internalurl $owa -externalurl $owa ... Read more

PowerShell: Out-GridView for displaying data

I often don't feel like typing in long filters in PowerShell for large amounts of data. I have therefore gotten into the habit of filtering the data afterwards. The PowerShell CMDLet "Out-GridView" makes this process much easier. With "Out-GridView", data can be displayed in table form and sorted in different ways. This function is particularly useful if you want to get a quick overview. Read more