Quick & Dirty: Inventory HP C7000 Blade Enclosure via PowerShell

Here is another small script from the Quick & Dirty series. If you use HP Blade Enclosures and want to have a quick and easy overview of which blades are in which enclosures, the following script could be useful for you. The script queries all registered blade enclosures and lists the blades per enclosure ... Read more

Add users to groups remotely

Today there is another useful PowerShell script that can be used to add remote users to local groups on servers or computers. The script expects a CSV file with computer names and then processes the list. The CSV file must be formatted as follows: An example is included in the archive. The first 5 lines ... Read more

Exchange Reporter 2.6: New release

I have just uploaded version 2.6 of the Exchange Reporter. Some new functions and modules have been added. Office 365 is now also supported, both as a hybrid scenario and exclusively Office 365. There have also been several bug fixes. Here is the changelog: New functions Office365 is now supported (see module o365report.ps1) Setting ... Read more

VMware View: Network card disappeared

Nice problem / feature: With VMware Horizon View / VMware vSphere, network cards and SCSI controllers are HotAdd and HotPlug capable by default. Actually quite nice, but sometimes not desired. For example with VMware View: Users who like to click can remove the network card here, which has a, let's call it, "negative impact" on the connection to its ... Read more

Exchange Reporter 2.5 is here!

I have just uploaded the Exchange Reporter 2.5. There are two new modules "bpreport" shows backpressure events, making it easier to identify performance bottlenecks. Similar to "dgreport", "dyndgreport" provides information on dynamic distribution groups. A few new functions and bug fixes have also been incorporated into the current version. My special thanks go to Ralph Andreas, who actively ... Read more

Exchange Reporter 2.4

I have just updated the Exchange Reporter, the list of changes is a little longer and two new functions have been added. You can now also attach the report as a PDF to the e-mail, please refer to the manual, because a prerequisite must be met for this, and with the "esareport.ps1" module there is now ... Read more

Script for testing MX records

If you also need to make frequent DNS queries to the MX records or SPF and reverse records, this little script may help: Test-MXSettings.ps1 The script has a few parameters, which can quickly check all Exchange accepted domains, or any domain, also a DNS server for the query can be specified. The following parameters ... Read more

Office 365: Connect account with PowerShell

You can also manage Office 365 via PowerShell, which is of course particularly interesting for your own scripts: First download and install the "Microsoft Online Services Login Wizard": http://www.microsoft.com/de-DE/download/details.aspx?id=39267 For an operating system in German, the following registry entry must also be set (in my case it was necessary): Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSOIdentityCRL] "MSOIDCRLVersion"="7.250.4551.0" Without the registry ... Read more

Powershell: Send any number of test mails

Here is a small script to send any number of test mails to a recipient. It might be quite useful. I needed it today to test Exchange Reporter 2013 *cough* $anzahl = read-host "Number of mails" write-host "" $count = 1 do { write-host "Send mail: $count" Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer FWEX1 -from "testmail@frankysweb.de" -to ... Read more

Exchange 2010/2013: Assigning permissions to folders and subfolders in a mailbox

Here is a small script that assigns permissions to folders and subfolders in a mailbox for users. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to inherit permissions within a mailbox. Therefore here is a small workaround: $mailbox = read-host "mailbox" $folder = read-host "mailbox folder" $user = read-host ... Read more