Active Directory: Resetting passwords for multiple users via Powershell

If you want to quickly reset a large number of passwords, you can use Powershell to do this. With a small adjustment, you can also read in a CSV file with users and reset the passwords to a default password: $userlist= @() do { $input = (Read-Host "AD User") if ($input -ne '') {$userlist += $input} } until ($input -eq '') ... Read more

PowerShell: Read out the memory consumption of a process remotely (WMI)

WMI queries can be used to find out how much memory a specific process requires on a computer. The following script searches for computers with a specific name in the Active Directory and then reads out the working memory of the computer and the process: $Procname = "outlook" $Namefilter = "CLT" $dnssuffix = ".frankysweb.local" #---------------------- $computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter * | ... Read more