Powershell: List overlong file paths

Overlong file paths can become a problem during migrations and backup/restore processes. A file path must not normally be longer than 260 characters. However, sometimes this limit is exceeded. This small Powershell script can be used to identify such long paths: #Directory or volume to be checked: $Directory = "D:\Shares" #PPath to CSV file for ... Read more

Exchange 2013 RTM: Installation on Server 2008 R2

I have already described the installation on Server 2012, but Server 2008R2 is also supported. My test environment looks like this: SRVDC01 is a Windows 2008 R2 domain controller. I install Exchange 2013 on Server 2008 R2 on SRVEX01. In order to be able to install Exchange 2013 on Server 2008 R2, the prerequisites must first be installed, ... Read more

Server 2008 R2 CA: Restore revocation list distribution points

I have often seen that the revocation list distribution points of a Server 2008 R2 certificate authority were configured incorrectly or not at all. I will therefore describe here how to restore the distribution points of an Active Directory integrated certification authority under Windows Server 2008 R2. The distribution points are configured under the "Extensions" tab in the properties of the certification authority. Here are the standard distribution points and ... Read more

Active Directory: Configure DNS alias for services

This topic is not directly related to Active Directory, but it often seems to receive little attention. Many companies do not configure DNS aliases for services such as shares, printers, web servers or any other services. This is usually not a problem, but it can lead to frustration and overtime for administrators (and ... Read more

Active Directory: Assign NTFS permissions via Powershell

Many things can be simplified or scripted with Powershell. If you often need to create new folders or shares, you can use Powershell to create the folder, create the corresponding groups for access and also add the groups to the NTFS permissions. Here is a small example: # This script creates a folder in the specified path, creates ... Read more

Server 2008 (R2): Deactivate SID filter

If you want to deactivate the SID filter on a German-speaking Windows 2008 or 2008 R2 server, use the following command: Netdom trust /domain: /quarantine:No /userD: /passwordD: Please note "/quarantine:No", on Windows 2003, as well as on English Windows Server 2008 (R2) this parameter is "/quarantine:No". Server 2008 also displays the information that ... Read more

Exchange 2010/2007: Redirect standard website directly to /OWA

If you only use IIS7 (Internet Information Service) and the standard website for OWA and want to redirect calls to https://exchange.frankysweb.de directly to https://exchange.frankysweb.de/owa, you can use the IIS role service "HTTP redirection". If not already installed, the "HTTP redirection" role service must first be installed for the IIS role. The easiest way to do this is via the server manager, or via ... Read more

Exchange General: Error "A restart is still pending" during installation or update

If the installation of an Exchange service pack or the setup of Exchange complains that a restart of the server is still pending. However, if the server has just been restarted, a key is probably stuck in the registry. The problem can then be solved as follows: Exchange checks the following registry keys: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\UpdateExeVolatile HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations To tell Setup ... Read more

AD: Protect all OUs of the organization from accidental deletion

The Best Practice Analyzer issues a warning if not all organizational units (OUs) of the organization are protected against accidental deletion. If you do not want to do the work of clicking on all OUs individually and activating the protection, you can let Powershell do the work for you. We first import the Active Directory module into the Powershell: ... Read more