Tip: Switch Windows Server from BIOS to UEFI Boot and Secure Boot

Today I had the requirement to convert a Windows server from Legacy BIOS to UEFI with Secure Boot. It was a virtual machine on an ESXi 8 server. However, the method described should also work with other hypervisors and also with physically installed Windows servers. If in the BIOS of the server or in the ... Read more

HowTo: Installing and configuring OCSP on Windows Server 2022 (online responder)

This short HowTo is about the configuration of OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) or the "Online Responder" role on Windows Server 2022. OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) is a protocol that is used within the PKI. It enables the status of certificates to be checked in real time. Instead of checking the validity of certificates in long revocation lists (Certificate Revocation ... Read more

Windows updates from January 2022 cause problems

The Windows updates that Microsoft released on 11.01.2022 are causing some problems on Windows servers. In the meantime, there are increasing reports that domain controllers keep restarting after January CU has been installed. Some other problems seem to increasingly affect Windows Server 2012 R2. After installing the update, Hyper-V no longer starts and ReFS formatted ... Read more

Changing the IP address and host name of a domain controller

Sometimes it may be necessary to subsequently change the IP and host name of a domain controller, for example if a new domain controller replaces an old one and is to be accessible under the same IP and name. Changing the IP address of a domain controller is normally possible without any problems, changing the host name of a domain controller ... Read more

Quick tip: "Why did the computer shut down unexpectedly?" appears at every login

Windows servers may display the message "Why did the computer shut down unexpectedly" at every login if the server had previously crashed. Although the message can be confirmed for the current session, it reappears the next time the user logs on: This small problem occurs when a user who is not the "Administrator" logs on, ... Read more

HowTo: Installation of Exchange 2019 on Server 2019 Core

Having already described the installation of Exchange 2019 on Server 2019 with a graphical user interface here, the recommended installation on Windows Server 2019 Core now follows. The installation of Exchange 2019 on Server Core is faster than on a server with a graphical user interface, once Exchange has been installed, you have to ... Read more

Windows Server 2019 is available

Microsoft has officially released Windows Server 2019. A 180-day trial version can be downloaded here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/evaluate-windows-server-2019 In addition to Office 2019, Windows Server 2019 is now also available in the Visual Studio subscription: Windows Server 2019 comes with a few interesting features, here is a short (not complete) summary: With the "Storage Migration Services", older FileServer ... Read more