Sophos UTM: New update (9.509-3)

Sophos has released a new update for Sophos UTM today. The update is for version 9.508-10 and upgrades the version to 9.509-3. The update fixes these three issues: [NUTM-9619]: [Email] CVE-2018-6789: buffer overflow in base64d function in SMTP listener [NUTM-9698]: [Network] After upgrade to 9.508 in VPC IPsec BGP status shows "state error" ... Read more

UTM Email Protection: Recipient verification with Active Directory

In my private environment with a Sophos UTM 9.508-10, I have always had the problem that the recipient verification of Email Protection via Active Directory did not work. In the live log of Email Protection, the following warning was always displayed: Warning: ACL "warn" statement skipped: condition test deferred: failed to bind the LDAP connection ... Read more

Sophos UTM 9.508-10: Signing mails using S/MIME problematic

Sophos recently released an update for UTM 9.5. With this update, the email protection algorithms have also been adapted with regard to the signing of emails using S/MIME: S/MIME Encryption updates: This release brings changes to the S/MIME feature to fully conform with new GDPR regulatory requirements for encryption. Core to these changes are new algorithms ... Read more

Sophos UTM: New update (9.508-10)

Today Sophos released an update for the UTM 9. The update updates the UTM to version 9.508-10. The update is just under 170 MB in size and is intended to fix these problems: [NUTM-8739]: [Access & Identity] Argos segfault and coredump after update to v9.502 [NUTM-9164]: [Access & Identity] SSLVPN installation packages fail to copy user profile during ... Read more

Sophos UTM and DKIM

DKIM, also known as DomainKeys, is a procedure for determining the authenticity of emails. The basic functionality is explained quite simply: The sending mail server calculates a hash value for each mail it sends and appends this hash to each mail in the e-mail header. The receiving mail server can evaluate the signature and also determine the ... Read more

Sophos UTM: New update (9.506-2)

Sophos released a new update for the Sophos UTM on 21.11.2017 which fixes numerous problems. For me, the update is not yet offered via Up2Date. Here is a list of the fixed problems: NUTM-8651: [AWS] AWS Permission for "Import Via Amazon Credentials" NUTM-7678: [Access & Identity] Pluto dies with coredump at L2TP connections NUTM-8211: [Access ... Read more

Sophos UTM: New update fixes WPA2 vulnerability (9.505-4)

Sophos has today released another update for Sophos UTM to fix the WAP2 vulnerability (KRACK): [NUTM-8984]: [RED] WPA2 KRACK vulnerability fixes for RED15w [NUTM-8789]: [Wireless] WPA2 KRACK vulnerability fixes The update has the version number 9.505-4 and can be downloaded and installed directly from the following link: u2d-sys-9.504001-505004.tgz.gpg Since there have been ... Read more

Sophos UTM: New update released (9.504-1)

Sophos has released an update for the Shophos UTM. The update fixes the following issues: [NUTM-8851]: [Basesystem] System doesn't boot if Posgtresql database cannot start [NUTM-7240]: [RED] RED 50 loosing ARP entries of internal machines [NUTM-8782]: [RED] RED10, RED15, RED50: Update OpenSSL and TCPdump to most current Version [NUTM-8858]: [RED] DNSMasq vulnerabilities If the update ... Read more

Sophos UTM: New update (9.503-3)

Sophos has today released an update with the version number 9.503-3 for Sophos UTM. The update is intended to fix a total of 33 problems. Unfortunately, Sophos has not been so lucky with updates for the UTM in the past, so the last update fixed some problems, but also caused new ones. Unfortunately, this makes extensive testing ... Read more