Last Monday I had a Revised version of the Exchange Certificate Assistant has been released. The last version previously only supported Exchange 2016 on Windows Server 2016. With the current version, Windows Server 2012 R2 and Exchange 2013 are now also supported. Another new feature is the option to send notification emails with authentication on the SMTP server. In addition, a few minor problems have been fixed and logging has been improved.
There are now 2 folders in the archive - the Exchange 2013 folder logically contains the script for Exchange 2013, while the Exchange 2016 folder contains the script for Exchange 2016:
As usual, the first few lines within the script must be adapted:
The task for renewing the certificate still has to be created manually. I think I will keep it that way. I like it better when you can decide for yourself when the certificate is replaced. The article linked above describes how the renewal task can be created. I will add a small instruction to the next version.
Support for Exchange 2010 and Server 2008 R2 is still missing. I am now installing a new test environment for Exchange 2010.
Here is the link to download the latest version:
If there are any problems with the script, you are welcome to send me the log file. This is the only way I can improve the script and correct errors.