Certificates Whitepaper: New version available

I have just uploaded an updated version of the Exchange Certificates Whitepaper. The updated version is available under the same download link:

The topic "Multiple Exchange servers and certificates" is now a little more detailed, and a short section on certificate revocation lists has been added. Furthermore, a few spelling mistakes have been corrected.

Many thanks to Marcel for the tips.

If anyone has further suggestions for improvements, please leave a comment or use the contact form. I will try to incorporate changes as quickly as possible. Please also let me know if anything is unclear or described too vaguely.

An excerpt from the table of contents can be found under the following link:

Certificates Whitepaper: New version available

Currently the whitepaper has been downloaded over 700 times, if you are interested in an eBook reader compatible version, please contact us.

2 thoughts on “Zertifikate Whitepaper: Neue Version verfügbar”

  1. Moin Franky,
    super Whitepaper! Ich würde zusätzlich zu den CRLs noch OCSP erklären. Windows Clients und Server prüfen den Sperrstatus eines Zertifikats immer zuerst über OCSP, sofern ein OCSP Punkt angegeben ist. Bei Kauf-Zertifikaten ist das in 99% der Fall. Man findet den OCSP Responder unter den AIA-Eigenschaften.
    Gruß Stefan


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