Tip: Measures against Emotet

Spam filters are sometimes easy to bypass, and I have already shown one possible way of doing this. It is usually difficult for users to recognize whether it is a valid and harmless email or whether all hell will break loose in the form of Emotet malware with the next click. In many environments, a few clicks by a user are actually enough to ... Read more

Tip: Don't rely too much on the spam filter

Emails are known to be the main gateway for malware, viruses and all sorts of other nasty things. Unfortunately, the Exchange Server does not come with a proper spam filter, so other products have to be used for effective defense against spam and malware. Unfortunately, even the best spam filter lets a malicious mail through from time to time and of course it happens ... Read more

Review: NoSpamProxy (AntiSpam)

Here is another short review. I am often asked which anti-spam / email security product I would recommend and what my experience with it has been. There are countless solutions on the market and almost the entire spectrum is covered: special hardware appliances, VMs, Windows or Linux, software that runs directly on the Exchange ... Read more

Exchange 2016: FIPFS Event ID 6027 Filter updates are not downloaded

A virus scanner has also been included since Exchange 2013. As with most other virus scanners, the signatures must also be updated here. Problems can occur when updating the signatures, especially if Exchange is not installed on the C: drive. The following entry can then be found in the event log: Source: FIPFS Event ID: 6027 MS Filtering ... Read more