Exchange Server: Inherited permissions on databases and mailboxes

On an Exchange 2019 server, I noticed inherited permissions that were deliberately not set in this way. I suspect that these are standard permissions that are set when Exchange servers are installed. In this case, an account that was used for installation has quite extensive permissions at mailbox and database level. I noticed ... Read more

Delegate Active Directory Admin authorizations

Some readers of this blog have requested an article on delegating admin authorizations. Most requests revolve around the fact that certain administrative tasks, such as creating user accounts or resetting passwords, should be carried out by users. Of course, these users should not have Domain Admin authorizations, but only the authorizations required for their activities. Read more

Exchange 2010/2013: Assigning permissions to folders and subfolders in a mailbox

Here is a small script that assigns permissions to folders and subfolders in a mailbox for users. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to inherit permissions within a mailbox. Therefore here is a small workaround: $mailbox = read-host "mailbox" $folder = read-host "mailbox folder" $user = read-host ... Read more