Exchange 2016: Exchange Management Shell does not connect (Admins Life)

Das folgende Problem hatte ich nun schon häufiger und bin schon wieder darauf reingefallen. Ich möchte daher das Problem kurz schildern: Die Exchange Management Shell eines Exchange 2016 Servers wollte sich nicht mehr verbinden und zeigte nur noch Fehler. Auch mittels ECA konnte sich nicht mehr angemeldet werden. Dieses Problem ist ja nun schon recht … Read more

Exchange 2016: Recreate backend certificate

I have now received several emails with questions about the Exchange backend certificate, so here is a short article about it. In most cases, the backend certificate was deleted during cleanup. The following article deals with the function and necessity of the backend certificate and also how to restore it if it has been accidentally deleted. What ... Read more

Exchange Certificate Assistant: New version

I have started to revise the "Exchange Certificate Assistant". The previous version is no longer compatible with the current ACMESharp module and therefore requires an old version of the module. However, since some relevant parts of the ACMESharp module have changed in the meantime, it is time for a new version of the "Exchange Certificate Assistant". I have updated the "Certificate ... Read more

Exchange 2016: SMTP Connector and wildcard / SAN certificates

Anyone using Exchange 2016 in conjunction with a wildcard certificate should also configure the receive and send connectors accordingly. This may also be necessary for SAN certificates. If the SAN certificate contains the domain name as the "Common Name (issued for)" and not the corresponding server name of the Exchange server, problems may occur, for example, when encrypting the SMTP connection using STARTTLS. ... Read more

Exchange 2016: Offline address book (OAB) cannot be downloaded (0x8004010F)

Wenn Outlook das Offline Adressbuch (OAB) nicht von einem Exchange 2016 Server runterladen kann, wird die folgende Fehlermeldung angezeigt: Fehler (0x8004010F) beim Ausführen der Aufgabe: Fehler beim Vorgang. Ein Objekt kann nicht gefunden werden. Leider ist diese Fehlermeldung ziemlich allgemein gehalten und kann durch verschiedene Probleme hervorgerufen werden. Die Ursache des Fehlers lag in diesem … Read more

Exchange Autodiscover Whitepaper - Updated version

I have just uploaded an updated version of the "Exchange Autodiscover Whitepaper". Since the behavior of Outlook 2016 in connection with Autodiscover has changed somewhat in November 2017, I have adapted the whitepaper accordingly. Outlook now prefers Autodiscover in conjunction with Office 365, which leads to problems if the user has an Office 365 account. Read more

Exchange 2016: EventID 1006 - Event Dispatchers Catching Up

On Exchange 2016 servers, the following event is sometimes written to the application log every 30 minutes Source: MSExchangeDiagnostics Event ID: 1006 The performance counter '\\EXCHANGE\MSExchange Assistants - Per Database(msexchangemailboxassistants-fwdb)\Event Dispatchers Catching Up' sustained a value of '2.730,00', for the '30' minute(s) interval starting at '10.01.2018 19:39:00'. Threshold breached since '25.12.2017 21:09'. None Trigger Name:EventDispatchersCatchupQueueTrigger. Instance:msexchangemailboxassistants-fwdb This ... Read more

Exchange 2016: Server error in the /owa application

After installing Windows Updates on an Exchange 2016 server, OWA stopped working on one of my test servers. The error message "Server error in application /owa" was displayed in the browser: In the event log of the server in question, the event with the event ID 2001 could be seen: [Owa] Failed to load SSL certificate. The event with the ... Read more

Exchange 2016; EventID 3018, MSExchangeApplicationLogic

Im Eventlog eines Exchange 2016 Servers kann unter Umständen die folgende Fehlermeldung mit der Quelle MSExchangeApplicationLogic jede Stunde auftreten: Quelle: MSExchangeApplicationLogic Ereignis ID: 3018 Scenario[ServiceHealth]: GetConfig. CorrelationId: 6852d41c-26fb-4ef9-9f7a-ee9d25f780c7. The request failed. Mailbox: Url: Exception: System.Net.WebException: Die zugrunde liegende Verbindung wurde geschlossen: Unbekannter Fehler beim Empfangen.. —> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Der Client und der Server können keine Daten … Read more