Exchange 2019: Setting up a hybrid environment (part 5)

The Exchange 2019 hybrid environment has already been set up in Part 4. I actually wanted to go into the migration batches in more detail in this article, but decided against it. The migration batches and their options are usually only relevant in larger environments. In smaller environments, the migration batches can be conveniently set up via the Exchange Online Admin Center ... Read more

Exchange 2019: Setting up a hybrid environment (part 4)

The fourth part of this article series deals with the necessary adjustments to the DNS and the first tests. In part 3, the Exchange Hybrid configuration was completed to such an extent that only a small amount of configuration is now required. Essentially, once the SPF entry has been adjusted, the tests can begin. Adjust DNS settings (SPF) So that ... Read more

Exchange 2019: Setting up a hybrid environment (part 3)

In the previous article, the Microsoft 365 Tenant and Azure Active Directory Connect were set up. This article now deals with the installation and configuration of the Hybrid Configuration Wizard (HCW). The HCW creates the Exchange Hybrid environment and enables you to migrate mailboxes from the Exchange on-prem installation to Microsoft 365. The HCW takes over all ... Read more

Exchange 2019: Setting up a hybrid environment (part 2)

The second part of the article series "Setting up a hybrid environment" deals with the preparations for Exchange hybrid mode. The Microsoft 365 tenant must be set up accordingly and Azure AD Connect must be installed and configured. The necessary steps are described in this article. The setup of the Microsoft 365 Tenant is described in the ... Read more

Microsoft 365: HTTP 500 - An error has occurred - Login not possible

During a migration from Exchange onPrem to Microsoft 365, the error occurred that users synchronized via AADConnect could not log in to some services (such as Exchange Online and Office Portal) (HTTP 500 error). However, it was possible to log in to Teams and OneDrive without any problems. Logging in via Edge and Internet Explorer was also possible on ... Read more

Exchange Hybrid: 554 5.4.108 SMTPSEND.DNS.MxLoopback

When routing emails in Exchange Hybrid mode, the following error may occur between Exchange on-prem and Microsoft 365 mailboxes when sending mails from a local mailbox (or an external sender) to an M365 mailbox: Remote Server returned '554 5.4.108 SMTPSEND.DNS.MxLoopback; DNS records for the next hop domain are configured in a loop -> ... Read more