Clean up Exchange log files with PowerShell

Mitunter können die Exchange Log und Trace Files einiges an Speicherplatz belegen, ich bekomme daher immer mal wieder Anfragen, wie die Logs bereinigt werden können. In den meisten Fällen droht die Exchange Partition vollzulaufen und in vielen Fällen ist dies auch die Systempartition. Leider ist in vielen Fällen die Systempartition, auf der auch oft Exchange … Read more

Delete old IIS logs

Unfortunately, the IIS web server does not offer the option of automatically deleting older log files. Either you write log files to disk continuously, or only one with a selectable size. I have therefore created a small script which deletes the log files after a selectable period of time. The script is available for download: Using a scheduled task, the script can be ... Read more

Exchange 2010: Manual VSS backup for quick backup or error analysis

It happens from time to time that a backup of the Exchange Server does not work as planned. There are often many factors that can influence the backup process. For error analysis (testing the VSS writer, VSS services) or in an emergency for a quick backup, a manual backup of the Exchange databases can also be carried out. The Exchange team blog provides ... Read more