PRTG and Exchange 2016: Sensor for HealthCheck URLs

In this article, I already presented a small script that checks the Exchange HealthCheck URLs. Since I use PRTG for monitoring in my private environment, I used a separate sensor for the HealthCheck URLs. PRTG comes with a whole range of sensors for Exchange Server, but due to the limitation of 100 ... Read more

Exchange Monitor 2.1 released

As announced, I have released version 2.1 of the Exchange Monitor one month after the beta version. A few more changes have been incorporated into the final version. Exchange Monitor 2.1 is available for download here: Many thanks to all readers who helped to improve the Exchange Monitor. Update: There had been ... Read more

Exchange Monitor 2.1 Beta

I have just uploaded the new Exchange Monitor version 2.1. The new version contains various bugfixes that have been reported by users. Many thanks at this point to everyone who reported problems. Version 2.1 of the Exchange Monitor now loads the Exchange snapins from the normal PowerShell. This should avoid problems with the task. ... Read more