NET Framework 4.8 released - No support for Exchange Server

Microsoft has recently released .NET Framework 4.8, which will also be delivered promptly via Windows Update. However, .NET Framework 4.8 should not currently be installed on Exchange Servers. Exchange Server only supports certain .NET Framework versions depending on the update status. .NET Framework versions not supported by Exchange cause trouble from time to time (see here and ... Read more

Consider .NET Framework for Exchange updates

A little tip on the side as the question has already been asked several times: Do I also have to consider .NET Framework when installing Exchange Updates (CUs)? Simple answer: Yes! Here is the somewhat more detailed answer: Unsupported NET Framework versions in conjunction with Exchange Server can be quite problematic, as has already been shown in the past: The NET ... Read more

Attention: Do not install .NET Framework 4.7 on Exchange servers

The .NET Framework 4.7 has been available for about a month and is expected to be distributed soon via Windows Update. Even though .NET 4.7 is already supported on Windows Server, you should be careful with Exchange Servers. Here is the current support matrix for Windows Server and .NET 4.7: The .NET Framework 4.7 is supported on the following Windows Server ... Read more