Exchange 2016: Offline address book (OAB) cannot be downloaded (0x8004010F)

If Outlook cannot download the Offline Address Book (OAB) from an Exchange 2016 server, the following error message is displayed: Error (0x8004010F) while performing the task: Error during operation. An object cannot be found. Unfortunately, this error message is quite general and can be caused by various problems. The cause of the error was in this ... Read more

Exchange 2010: Fix problems with downloading the offline address book

From time to time there are problems when downloading the offline address book, the causes are often different and have different error messages. The following instructions describe how to "start again" with a fresh offline address book (OAB), which solves most problems. First stop the "Address book" and "File distribution" services Now delete the defective OAB Next, delete the files from the old ... Read more