Quick & Dirty: Copy Active Directory groups from user to user

I have created a small GUI that copies Active Directory groups from one user to another user. With the script you can quickly transfer all groups of a user to another user account: The GUI is only very rudimentary, you can select a source user account and a target user account, a click on "Copy groups from source to target ... Read more

Quick & Dirty: Finding invalid and orphaned group policies

I have started to create a small PowerShell script to help detect invalid or orphaned group policies. The first version of the script searches for group policies that are not connected to an OU, have no security filtering or have all GPO settings disabled. I will add more functions to the script in the future and publish it as ... Read more

PowerShell: Out-GridView for displaying data

I often don't feel like typing in long filters in PowerShell for large amounts of data. I have therefore gotten into the habit of filtering the data afterwards. The PowerShell CMDLet "Out-GridView" makes this process much easier. With "Out-GridView", data can be displayed in table form and sorted in different ways. This function is particularly useful if you want to get a quick overview. Read more

Windows 10 Anniversary Update and the PowerShell (Bug)

In diesem Beitrag hatte ich geschildert, das meine PCs kein Windows 10 Anniversary Update per Windows Update erhalten haben. Ich hatte das Update manuell installiert. Ein Fehler, wie ich jetzt feststellen musste: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/powershell/2016/08/23/powershell-dsc-broken-in-kb3176932/ Genau einen Tag nach meinen Update, wurde die Info veröffentlicht, dass das Windows 10 Anniversary Update (1607) Probleme mit der PowerShell DSC … Read more

Microsoft releases PowerShell for Linux and MacOS X

Microsoft has also made PowerShell available for Linux and MacOS X on GitHub: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell In addition to a DEB package for Ubuntu and an RPM for CentOS, a package for Mac OS X is also available for download. Microsoft has released PowerShell under the MIT license. The Powershell for Linux is therefore OpenSource. I have ... Read more

Windows Server: Remove orphaned shares (server service does not start)

For a change, a small problem again today. The "Server" service on a Windows Server 2012 R2 file server could no longer be started, which meant that none of the shares were accessible. Only this warning could be found in the "Application" event log: Source: Server Event ID: 2511 The server service could not restore the share share name because ... Read more

Exchange Reporter 3.1 is available for download

ich habe gerade die Version 3.1 des Exchange Reporters hochgeladen. Diesmal habe ich hauptsächlich Fehler behoben die sich trotz vieler Tests in verschiedenen Umgebungen eingeschlichen haben. Folgende Änderungen habe ich vorgenommen: Bugfixes O365report.ps1: Der Report lieferte nur die ersten 1000 Ergebnisse zurück, Dank Kaari behoben Mbxreport.ps1: Bug in der Auflistung der Limits behoben, wenn mehr … Read more