Exchange 2013/2016: Create and manage room mailboxes

Resource mailboxes are very popular to enable the booking of meeting rooms or company cars. With Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2016 it has become even easier to manage the rooms. Here is a small howto that works with Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2016 (For Exchange 2010 you can find the howto here) First of all, via ECP ... Read more

Exchange 2010/2013: Query the calendar of a room mailbox with EWS

Here again a small script from the Quick&Dirty corner. Querying the calendar of a room mailbox via EWS and Powershell. The script retrieves all calendar entries from the current time to 365 days in the future, or a maximum of 200 entries. The results are saved in the variable $results and can then be processed further. $MailboxName = "" ... Read more