Quick & Dirty: Finding invalid and orphaned group policies

I have started to create a small PowerShell script to help detect invalid or orphaned group policies. The first version of the script searches for group policies that are not connected to an OU, have no security filtering or have all GPO settings disabled. I will add more functions to the script in the future and publish it as ... Read more

Script for testing MX records

If you also need to make frequent DNS queries to the MX records or SPF and reverse records, this little script may help: Test-MXSettings.ps1 The script has a few parameters, which can quickly check all Exchange accepted domains, or any domain, also a DNS server for the query can be specified. The following parameters ... Read more

Exchange Monitor 2.1 Beta

I have just uploaded the new Exchange Monitor version 2.1. The new version contains various bugfixes that have been reported by users. Many thanks at this point to everyone who reported problems. Version 2.1 of the Exchange Monitor now loads the Exchange snapins from the normal PowerShell. This should avoid problems with the task. ... Read more