Quick tip: "Why did the computer shut down unexpectedly?" appears at every login

Windows servers may display the message "Why did the computer shut down unexpectedly" at every login if the server had previously crashed. Although the message can be confirmed for the current session, it reappears the next time the user logs on: This small problem occurs when a user who is not the "Administrator" logs on, ... Read more

QuickTip: Posh-SSH module on Windows Server 2019

On several Windows 2019 servers, I have already had the problem that the PowerShell module "Posh-SSH" only returns an error message when establishing an SSH connection. I had this problem with Windows Server 2019 and the Posh-SSH module in version 2.2. Here is a quick tip on how to fix the problem. The error message is as follows: ... Read more

Windows Server 2019 is available

Microsoft has officially released Windows Server 2019. A 180-day trial version can be downloaded here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/evaluate-windows-server-2019 In addition to Office 2019, Windows Server 2019 is now also available in the Visual Studio subscription: Windows Server 2019 comes with a few interesting features, here is a short (not complete) summary: With the "Storage Migration Services", older FileServer ... Read more

Windows Server 2019: Technical Preview available

Today, Microsoft made the first Technical Preview of Windows Server 2019 publicly available for download. If you want to take a look at the new server operating system in advance, all you need is a free Windows Insider account. The preview has the version number 17623 and can be downloaded here as an ISO and VHDX file: Windows Insider for Business The ... Read more