On May 12, 2017, we met for the third time at EUGO to talk about IT topics in a relaxed atmosphere. It wasn't just about Exchange and Office 365, but other topics such as Wi-Fi were also discussed at length.
Some of the participants have been with us since the first meeting and Andi and I are always particularly pleased to welcome our "regulars". I hope that the many new faces and especially the people with long journeys also benefited from the evening and were able to use the opportunity to exchange ideas with others.
I personally had a lot of fun, good food and nice conversations at our EUGO meeting, so thank you to all participants: Thank you very much!
Due to the good response and the committed participants, we will continue to organize the Exchange User Group meetings in the future. At the last meeting in February we were the last ones in the Allegro Habichtshöhe location at around 00:00, this time it was even a little later at 01:00
We want to stick to the concept of not boring you with lengthy presentations in the future. We still think it is more effective to talk to each other and not have one person speak the whole evening.
However, as you participants have also expressed a desire for short and snappy talks or presentations, Andi and I have decided to give this a try. However, it is not yet clear how many, how long or on which topics we can organize such presentations. Anyone who has a suggestion for a topic or would like to give a short talk themselves is welcome to send Andi and me an e-mail. I hope we can manage this by the next meeting, which will probably take place sometime in August.
We would be delighted to welcome you again at the next meeting and of course all new interested parties are also very welcome.
Ich freue mich jetzt schon auf das EUGO 1708 Summer Inspiration Meeting :-)
Danke euch beiden für die Organisation. Daumen hoch!
dann lässt es bestimmt auch das Wetter zu, dass wir im Biergarten sitzen. Ich sollte mir vielleicht einen Fahrer organisieren :-)
Gruß, Frank