This time Andi and I are a little earlier, after we were unfortunately only able to announce the date for the previous EUGO meeting at very short notice, the date for the next meeting now follows:
Friday the 11.08.2017 7:30 pm
Allegro Habichtshöhe in Bielefeld
Bodelschwinghstr. 79
33604 Bielefeld
Link: Google Maps
Link: Website Allegro Habichtshöhe
As we have only received positive feedback on the location so far, we want to keep our regular spot. Which brings us to the topic of regulars: The EUGO is now taking place for the fourth time, we had our first meeting on 23.09.16, so we are basically celebrating our first birthday (albeit a little early). There will probably also be two talks for the birthday, but we don't want to reveal the topics yet.
Even though the date in August still falls during the school vacations in NRW, we hope to see lots of participants. We are already looking forward to seeing you and having a great evening.
Here is a short summary of the last meeting, unfortunately without pictures, as we forgot to take one or two photos between the many conversations:
Registrations for the next meeting of the Exchange User Group OWL are accepted on the following page:
Exchange User Group OWL (EUGO)