Exchange 2010: Address lists/address books cannot be updated Event 9331 and 9335

When migrating from Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2010, it can happen that the address lists and the offline address book cannot be created or updated on Exchange 2010. The reason for this are spaces in the alias of the public system folders. These two error messages are generated in the event log of the Exchange 2010 server:

Address lists

Event ID: 9331

Source: MSExchangeSA

OABGen error "80004005" (internal ID "50103b7") when accessing the public folder database while generating the offline address list for address list "/".

- \Standard offline address list- \Standard offline address list

Event ID: 9335

Source: MSExchangeSA

OABGen error "80004005" when cleaning the public folder for offline address lists under "/o=Exchange Organization/cn=addrlists/cn=oabs/cn=Standard offline address list". Make sure that the information store for public folders is provided and that replicas of the folders for the offline address lists are available. No offline address lists have been generated. Information on this can be found in the event log.

- \Standard offline address list

Until Exchange 2007, spaces were still allowed in the alias. This has changed in Exchange 2010. The Exchange Management Shell can be used to determine which entries are causing the errors when generating the address lists:

Get-GlobalAddresslist | Update-GlobalAddresslist

If warnings are generated when the command is executed, these are the entries that cause problems, including the public system folders:

WARNING: The recipient "frankysweb.local/Microsoft Exchange System Objects/Offline Address Book - \/o=frankysweb.local\/cn=addrlists\/cn=oabs\/cn=Standard-O" is invalid and could not be updated.

WARNING: The recipient "frankysweb.local/Microsoft Exchange System Objects/Offline Address Book - First Administrative Group" is invalid and could not be updated.

WARNING: The recipient "frankysweb.local/Microsoft Exchange System Objects/Schedule+ Schedule Information - First Administrative Group" is invalid and could not be updated.

The spaces in the alias can be corrected with ADSIedit. To do this, a connection to the standard naming context must be established; the objects of the public system folders are then located in the "CN=Microsoft Exchange System Objects" folder

There is now an attribute "mailNickname" in the properties of the object, which must not contain any spaces. The spaces can therefore be deleted.

Once all entries for which warnings were generated have been corrected, the address lists can be generated without errors, this can also be done via the management shell:

Get-EmailAddressPolicy | Update-EmailAddressPolicy

Get-AddressList | Update-AddressList

Get-GlobalAddressList | Update-GlobalAddressList

Get-OfflineAddressBook | Update-OfflineAddressBook

If warnings still appear somewhere, it helps to check the alias for users or contacts. This is usually the cause of the problems.

1 thought on “Exchange 2010: Adresslisten/Adressbücher können nicht aktualisiert werden Event 9331 und 9335”

  1. Das selbe Problem hatte ich heute auch, während des umzuges der Öffentlicher Ordner auf einen anderen Server. Der Fehler war aber nach bereinigung der Leerzeichen bei einzelnen Ordnern immer noch drin. Daraufhin habe ich die Sonderzeichen (,),, usw. entfernt und die Fehlermeldung war verschwunden.



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