Here I have already reported on the logging of the Client Access service. Today I had a specific case in which there were repeated connection errors or interruptions. I therefore created a script that extracts all errors from the RCA log into a CSV file. The script can be categorized as Quick & Dirty, but if you like you can adapt or extend it to your needs.
# Search RCA log for errors
#$exportpath = „d:\fehler.csv“
„Zeitpunkt;Benutzer;Datenbank;Client;Clientversion;Fehler“ | set-content „$exportpath“
$today = get-date -Format yyyyMMdd
$installpath = $installpath = Get-ChildItem env:ExchangeInstallPath | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}
$rcalogpath = „$installpath\Logging\RPC Client Access\RCA_$today-1.log“$rcalogvalues = import-csv -path „$rcalogpath“ -delimiter „,“ -header „date-time“,“session-id“,“seq-number“,“client-name“,“organization-info“,“client-software“,“client-software-version“,“client-mode“,“client-ip“,“server-ip“,“protocol“,“application-id“,“operation“,“rpc-status“,“processing-time“,“operation-specific“,“failures“ | where-object {$_.failures -match „\W“}
foreach ($rcalogvalue in $rcalogvalues)
$failure = $rcalogvalue.failures
$cn = $rcalogvalue.’client-name‘
$client = $rcalogvalue.’client-software‘
$clientversion = $rcalogvalue.’client-software-version‘
$mailbox = get-mailbox „$cn“
$username = $
$database = $mailbox.database
$timestamp = $rcalogvalue.’date-time‘ | get-date -Format „dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss“
„$timestamp;$username;$database;$client,$clientversion;$failure“ | add-content „$exportpath“
Good luck with your troubleshooting.
PS: Also take a look at over hereFeedback is always welcome.