Older programs or older fax solutions can sometimes only be connected to Exchange with the help of a PickUp directory. By default, the PickUp directory is located here (server with installed Hub Transport role):
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\TransportRoles\Pickup
If you want to change the path for the PickUp directory, you can use the CDMlet Set-TransportServer:
Set-TransportServer "Servername" -PickupDirectoryPath "d:\ExPickUp"
All correctly formatted messages are sent from the PickUp directory to the recipients. Exchange checks the pickup directory for new mails every 5 seconds, whereby a maximum of 100 messages per minute are processed in the default setting. This value can be adjusted using the "PickUpDirectoryMaxMessagesPerMinute" parameter. Example:
Set-TransportServer "Servername" -PickupDirectoryPath "d:\ExPickUp" -PickUpDirectoryMaxMessagesPerMinute 200
The messages in the pickup directory must meet the following requirements:
- File extension must be .eml
- The file must be a text file
- A sender must be specified
- At least 1 recipient must be specified
- Message header and message text must be separated by a blank line
Example of a message formatted as plain text:
To: frank@frankysweb.de
From: webmaster@frankysweb.de
Subject: Test message PickUp
This is the text of the message. Please pay attention to the blank line.
Example of a message formatted as HTML:
To: frank@frankysweb.de
From: webmaster@frankysweb.de
Subject: Message subject
MIME version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1″
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
<b>This is a mail formatted as HTML</b>
The following groups or users must have access to the pickup directory so that messages can be processed:
Administrator | Full access |
System | Full access |
Network service | Read, write, delete folders and files |
It would also be possible to provide the PickUp directory with a share so that messages can be stored in the folder via the network, then the rights of the PiuckUp directory must be adjusted.
Da ich gerade auf dieser Seite gelandet bin und anderen helfen möchte die evtl. den gleichen Fehler bekommen:
Bei mir wurde die .eml direkt in .bad umgewandelt. Irgendwas an der Mail war nicht korrekt. Nach langem suchen ist mir aufgefallen: Es darf kein Leerzeichen nach To:, From:, und Subjekt: sein.
Das ist im Beispiel oben aber enthalten und da ich faul war und einfach kopiert habe….