Exchange 2010: Configuring a pickup directory

Older programs or older fax solutions can sometimes only be connected to Exchange with the help of a PickUp directory. By default, the PickUp directory is located here (server with installed Hub Transport role):

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\TransportRoles\Pickup

If you want to change the path for the PickUp directory, you can use the CDMlet Set-TransportServer:

Set-TransportServer "Servername" -PickupDirectoryPath "d:\ExPickUp"

All correctly formatted messages are sent from the PickUp directory to the recipients. Exchange checks the pickup directory for new mails every 5 seconds, whereby a maximum of 100 messages per minute are processed in the default setting. This value can be adjusted using the "PickUpDirectoryMaxMessagesPerMinute" parameter. Example:

Set-TransportServer "Servername" -PickupDirectoryPath "d:\ExPickUp" -PickUpDirectoryMaxMessagesPerMinute 200

The messages in the pickup directory must meet the following requirements:

  • File extension must be .eml
  • The file must be a text file
  • A sender must be specified
  • At least 1 recipient must be specified
  • Message header and message text must be separated by a blank line

Example of a message formatted as plain text:



Subject: Test message PickUp

This is the text of the message. Please pay attention to the blank line.

Example of a message formatted as HTML:



Subject: Message subject

MIME version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1″

Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary



<b>This is a mail formatted as HTML</b>



The following groups or users must have access to the pickup directory so that messages can be processed:

Administrator Full access
System Full access
Network service Read, write, delete folders and files

It would also be possible to provide the PickUp directory with a share so that messages can be stored in the folder via the network, then the rights of the PiuckUp directory must be adjusted.

1 thought on “Exchange 2010: Konfigurieren eines Pickup Verzeichnisses”

  1. Da ich gerade auf dieser Seite gelandet bin und anderen helfen möchte die evtl. den gleichen Fehler bekommen:
    Bei mir wurde die .eml direkt in .bad umgewandelt. Irgendwas an der Mail war nicht korrekt. Nach langem suchen ist mir aufgefallen: Es darf kein Leerzeichen nach To:, From:, und Subjekt: sein.
    Das ist im Beispiel oben aber enthalten und da ich faul war und einfach kopiert habe….


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