Exchange 2010: Event 2937 MSExchange ADAccess warning

If the following warning is displayed in the EventLog of an Exchange 2010 server, it can be resolved as follows:

Source: MSExchange ADAccess

Event ID: 2937

Process exchange_report.exe () (PID=16736). Object [CN=mavertrieb,OU=Verteiler,OU=Gruppen,OU=XX,DC=XX,DC=XX,DC=en]. Property [ArbitrationMailbox] is set to value [xx.xx.en/Deleted Objects/SystemMailbox{1f05a927-983e-446d-b84e-9cb6ca4173ce}
DEL:c09a4fd5-11a6-4867-8d71-a75259987664] and points to the "Deleted Items" container in Active Directory. This property must be corrected as soon as possible.

Source: MSExchange ADAccess

Start ADSI-Edit and connect to the "Default naming context". Then search for the corresponding object and empty the "msExchArbitrationMailbox" attribute.


The warning can occur if the system mailboxes have been recreated, how the system mailboxes are recreated is described here:

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