Exchange 2010: Extremely fast log file growth (from the life of an admin)

Today was one of those days... let's not go there. It caught me cold today. The monitoring of the Exchange environment was not running properly and the impending disaster was only noticed when it had already occurred.

Within a few hours, the Exchange log partition was full of transaction logs. When users reported that they could no longer receive and send mails, I switched to the Exchange servers. Only a few MB left on the drive. The EventLogs red...

The motto was "restore availability as quickly as possible", so I took a quick look at the EMS to see if the databases were still online:


The databases were still online, but there were only a few MB free on the log file partition and the queues were already full. First thought: Why didn't the backup run? There shouldn't really be that many logs there... However, the logs were all from the last few hours, so the backup had run cleanly. Second thought: There was something....

Log file growth

Exactly, I recently read the article:

Phew, availability or analysis?! Availability! (see title). So again, no time to read... So quickly get rid of the logs to get everything running again:

Finally space on the log file volume again, everything is back to normal. What was the problem?

Bad unpatched iPhones.

6 thoughts on “Exchange 2010: Extrem schneller Logfilezuwachs (aus dem Leben eines Admins)”

  1. Hallo Franky.
    Ging mir heute genauso. Da kann einem schon mal das Herz in die Hose
    rutschen. Ich habe es aber glücklicherweise frühzeitig bemerkt, weil ich mir
    mittels Leistungsüberwachung den disc-space überwache.

    Danke dir.


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