And once again extremely fast log file growth in the Exchange environment. I had this problem once before, when it was iPhones with the iOS bug. This time, however, there were no affected iPhones to be found.
In this case, the Exchange User Monitor helped me to identify a user who was causing the problem. After the Outlook profile was recreated, everything was back to normal.
The Exchange User Monitor can be downloaded here:
The "CPU (%)" column was important for the analysis in this case
I always keep an eye on the log files now, using the "Bean Counter" which can be downloaded here:
Works great, I have made a small Excel table from the data of the mail from Bean Counter so that you can see it directly at first glance. Bean Counter sends a mail with the generation rate of the log files every half hour:
I then made this Excel folder from it:
Now you can quickly see that a database is still "somewhat" out of control
Hallo Frank,
da ich gerade durch das Problem durch musste ( Handy verursacht ) und nun ein wenig Nachbereitung und Vorbeugung betreiben will, habe ich den Script bei uns auch eingesetzt. Den werde ich noch bearbeiten um die Tabelle absteigend zu formatieren.
Meine Frage: hast Du Dir die Werte nur rauskopiert und händisch die Tabelle erstellt oder gibt es da einen „tollen“ Automatismus ?