Exchange 2010: Extremely fast log file growth (2)

And once again extremely fast log file growth in the Exchange environment. I had this problem once before, when it was iPhones with the iOS bug. This time, however, there were no affected iPhones to be found.

Exchange 2010: Extremely fast log file growth (from the life of an admin)

In this case, the Exchange User Monitor helped me to identify a user who was causing the problem. After the Outlook profile was recreated, everything was back to normal.

The Exchange User Monitor can be downloaded here:

The "CPU (%)" column was important for the analysis in this case


I always keep an eye on the log files now, using the "Bean Counter" which can be downloaded here:

Works great, I have made a small Excel table from the data of the mail from Bean Counter so that you can see it directly at first glance. Bean Counter sends a mail with the generation rate of the log files every half hour:


I then made this Excel folder from it:

Logfile growth Excel

Now you can quickly see that a database is still "somewhat" out of control Smiley

1 thought on “Exchange 2010: Extrem schnelles Logfile Wachstum (2)”

  1. Hallo Frank,

    da ich gerade durch das Problem durch musste ( Handy verursacht ) und nun ein wenig Nachbereitung und Vorbeugung betreiben will, habe ich den Script bei uns auch eingesetzt. Den werde ich noch bearbeiten um die Tabelle absteigend zu formatieren.

    Meine Frage: hast Du Dir die Werte nur rauskopiert und händisch die Tabelle erstellt oder gibt es da einen „tollen“ Automatismus ?



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