The following problem has occurred during the installation of Service Pack 2 for Exchange Server 2010:
Remove Exchange files
The product with the code 4934d1ea-be46-48b1-8847-f1af20e892c1 cannot be removed. Fatal error during installation. Error code: 1603. Last error issued by the MSI package: 'Error writing to the file C:\Config.Msi\818feddf.rbf. Check if you can access this directory'.Serious error during installation
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This error appears in the event log:
Source: MsiInstaller
ID: 11310
Product: Microsoft Exchange Server - Error 1310. Error writing to the file C:\Config.Msi\819be273.rbf. System error 5. Check whether you can access this directory.
The installation of the service pack is canceled and the services are not restarted.
The errors indicate a problem with the Windows Installer, unfortunately in my case the suggested solutions for Event ID 11310 did not work. The error occurred again and again. Possibly in connection with other software that was installed on the Exchange Server, but this could not be clarified conclusively.
To install Service Pack 2, it helped to search for the strings in the registry and delete them. In this example, I searched for the string “4934d1ea-be46-48b1-8847-f1af20e892c1” under the key "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products" searched for. To be on the safe side, I exported the key beforehand and then deleted it.
The error message then occurred 2 more times, but with different keys, after these keys were also deleted, the setup ran cleanly. However, Setup asked for a language pack from Service Pack 1 during the installation. The file could be selected and Setup completed the update.