Exchange 2010: Change maximum size for mailbox rules

By default, the maximum size for mailbox rules is 64 KB. If you have mailboxes with a large number of rules, you may reach this limit. Unfortunately, Outlook and Exchange do not complain if you exceed this size limit, the rules are simply no longer executed. However, it is possible to adjust the maximum size for mailbox rules. Here is a short HowTo:

First we display the current limit for mailbox rules by entering the following command:

Get-Mailbox | ft Name,RulesQuota

The output shows us the name and the current limit for mailbox rules clearly in a table. Now we increase the value:

Set-Mailbox -Identity -RulesQuota 256KB

Please note: The upper limit for the RulesQuota value is 256 KB. If we now enter the first command again, we see that the new limit for mailbox rules is 256 KB. It makes sense not to raise the limit to 256 KB straight away, as this may cause a veritable proliferation of rules for some users.

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