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Exchange 2010: Offline address book is not created / Update of address lists fails

When trying to update the Exchange address lists via the Exchange Management Shell, you may receive this message:

WARNUNG: Der Empfänger „frankysweb.local/Microsoft Exchange System Objects/Schedule+ Zeitplaninformationen – Offlineadressbuch – Erste administrative Gruppe“ ist ungültig und konnte nicht aktualisiert werden.

The message can occur for one or more address lists. The lists may have different names depending on the environment. This problem prevents the address lists from being updated and consequently the offline address book (OAB) from being created.

This problem often occurs after migrations from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007/23010. The cause is that since Exchange 2007, spaces are no longer permitted in the alias. It is therefore usually sufficient to remove the spaces (or special characters) from the alias for affected users or address lists. For address lists, this can be done using ADSIEdit.

Start ADSIEdit and connect to the "Default naming context", then switch to "CN=Microsoft Exchange System Objects". Now find the relevant address list (in this case "CN=Offline Address Book") and double-click to open the properties.

Now search for the "mailNickname" attribute in the properties and delete the invalid characters (spaces). The spaces can be replaced by hyphens.

This process must now be repeated for all address lists and/or users. The update should then also work without warnings.

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