Exchange 2010: Outlook Web App shows HTTP error code 301/310

The following error occurs if redirects for OWA are not configured correctly:


Error while testing during the first request to Outlook Web App.
HTTP code: 301

Internet Explorer shows little about this:


As already mentioned, the cause is incorrect forwarding in the IIS of the Exchange server. The incorrect redirects may not be visible in the IIS Manager, as can be seen in the next image:


It then helps to take a look at the web.config of the virtual directories and the website. In my case, the following line was in the web.config file under "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\ClientAccess\owa":

<httpRedirect enabled=“true“ destination=“/owa“ exactDestination=“true“ childOnly=“false“ />


and this entry was found in the web.config in the directory "C:\inetpub\wwwroot":

<httpRedirect enabled=“false“ destination=“/owa“ />

I made a copy of both files and deleted the two lines from the web.config. After restarting the IIS, OWA worked perfectly again.

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