Exchange 2010 OWA: Adjust time until automatic logout

The time after a user is automatically logged out of the Outlook Web App (OWA) session can be adjusted via the registry. As there are two different security levels (public computer or private computer), there are also two registry keys that can be adjusted

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\MSExchange OWA]



If the two upper values do not exist, they can be created by simply copying the orange text into a .reg file and executing it.

The values for the session time-out are specified in minutes (see below). I think it is clear which key stands for which OWA security profile J

OWA Timeout

The default values for automatic logout are 15 minutes for the public profile and 8 hours (480min) for the private profile.

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